Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
K.J. GERMER 260 West 72nd Street New York, N. Y.
January 22, 1949
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for yours of Jan. 19 with M.O. [Money Order] for $25.00
The arrangement was that 50% of dues at Agape Lodge go to Grand Lodge. This means you should have sent me $7.50 instead of $11.00, thus $3.50 too much. Please deduct from next.
Montenegro [Gabriel Montenegro]:—March 21, 1904 began An I, 1. 1926 began An. II, 1. Thus 1948 should have begun An III, 1. The fact is that A.C. does not seem to have kept a correct tab on the counting. His counting varies. The Fall 1947 Word carries An I, xxi while it should have been II, xx11.—Again, I have only some 'Words' going back to 1926 and 1929 which carry II, 1, 2 etc. A.C. seems often to have either made a mistake or neglected to count systematically, or accurately. May-be when I get his diaries and other papers it'll throw further light on this matter. Meanwhile, I suggest to disregard this matter, at least for the time being. It is quite possible that A.C. finally decided to call 1904 1, 2, 3, etc. That he began 1926 with I, 1, 2, 3, etc., which would make 1947 I, 22, the way I count. 22 is of course the number of the Hebrew etc, alphabet, and has other connotations.
Ra Hoor Khuit? Roy's [Roy Leffingwell] calling him the Representative of the Sun is quite correct. It is possible that the precession of the Zodiac gives a ruler of the affairs of the Earth once in 2000 years. That the Gods choose a God to represent Them during such a period. That in 1904 the job fell to Ra Hoor Khuit. According to The Book of the Law He would be the child of a conjunction of Nuit and Hadit. His qualities are explained on several occasions of A.C.'s works: Force and Fire, etc. but read Equinox of the Gods p. 70 sq.—The Heart of the Master can also be used for throwing light. Sorry I cannot be more helpful. I think the nature of R[a]H[oor]K[huit] will only gradually unfold as He shows Himself in the management of the affairs of the planet.
Love is the law, love under will.
I enclose three photos of the house and barn. It'll give a general idea. I wish you'd circularise them, or show them, including Jean [Jean Sihvonen] and Ero [Ero Sihvonen] when they're in town. The young infant is giving plenty of headaches, and I'm thinking of nothing else.
Love to you,
The lone figure shivering on the Porch or Patio to the right of the one of the photos is Sascha [Sascha Germer]. There are 5 beautiful tall pines in front of the House which are not visible.