Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72nd Street

New York, N. Y.



February 21, 1949



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


We spent the first weekend at the House and though Sascha [Sascha Germer] was shocked to tears of despair when she saw the place of desolation, we stayed with a minimum of comfort. But it was warm at least. No furniture yet. The workmen are still not finished.


But I opened the cases and unpacked and stored the books and MSS. etc. in the separate room by the barn, setting up boards to serve as some sort of shelves. Naturally, I have only had time to take a peek at the contents. It is vast, and will take months to even start listing the material. I should have a helper, a good Thelemite who knows the literature—published and unpublished—and a typist. When the time is ripe, which it is not—I'm sure the proper assistants will be there.


There is a peculiar co-incidence—if you like to call it that—Last week I was notified that the Urn and little casket with A.C,'s ashes had arrived. After some delays and formalities with the Customs I was able to pick up the box last Friday. Saturday morning we went for our first week-end at the house, and I set up the Urn in the little room where I have put A.C.'s material in the midst of A.C.'s works! Sascha marveled at the 'co-incidence' and said: Aleister did not want to let us go and sleep in the house—for which he had wished so ardently and so long—without him. Incidentally, my plans, or shall I say our plans are to transform the barn into the real H.Q. at some time after the house itself has been made habitable and the funds are available. I say 'our plans' because Sascha has pledged herself to help me do it. She did it in a formal, or magical way and I told her that such a formal act given to the Gods and accepted by Them is an altogether different kind of a pledge than a simple promise or resolution. I warned, or forewarned her that instantly the obstacles would arise to make her weaken or swerve; make it seem crazy or impossible; but if she would overcome these hindrances and fight through to the end, her very wish would not only be accomplished but the Gods who put the obstacles in her path would help her in the end and give her on top, and plenty.


I am mentioning this in connection with Paul [Paul Milliken]. You wrote recently in a letter when Paul gave you that $50 check that he phoned you a day or so later that he did not want to bind himself by that for the future or words to that effect. May-be he is afraid that he tie himself down by that act and is afraid of future consequences. I had seen the same trait in Max [Max Schneider] often. He did not want to give a positive pledge as to monthly regular contributions. All he allowed himself to do was to say that he wanted to give as much as he could. He had not understood what I have mentioned above. That, once he would have given the definite pledge, and instead of weakening the moment the first hurdle appeared on the horizon (which automatically come when a magical pledge is given), he would have set his teeth and with tremble, fear and apprehension think and worry of nothing but how he can overcome the difficulty, the Gods would have rushed in to help him. All They look at is: "how does the candidate behave at the first obstacle We set up?" They are out to test the grit of the patient, and nothing else.


The problem of magical responsibility comes in here too. One must run forward spontaneously in an emergency. I hope you understand the magical basis of these my considerations. It applies also to such other planes as "making reports". I had some correspondence with Jean lately about this point. She wrote it was better to keep one's mouth shut, because always one is let down if one tried to report on a given situation (her experience was Rhea [Rhea Leffingwell], Georgia [Georgia Schneider], Roy [Roy Leffingwell], Ruthie [Ruthie Soulé], etc. but she recalled Max's reports on W.T.S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith], Jack [Jack Parsons], etc. I tried to point out to her what is spiritually involved. One should not let one's deeper urge be frustrated by any considerations. "That is sin to hold thy Holy Spirit in". The rule is simply: is one judging situations with a pure heart and motive? All the rest in unimportant. Courage, moral courage, is one of prerequisites of any Magician.


If somebody who is being reported on is angry, he or she simply shows that they are not true Thelemites, who are sworn to be truthful to themselves. They should consider the report, when they learn of it, as a message from the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel]. to mend their ways, to study the complaint, if any, and be ultimately grateful to the reporter, for having by their action called their attention to a defect in their physical, mental, moral, spiritual or magical make-up. The H.G.A. is all the time around a candidate and sends him messages. If He sees that his beloved is too dense to react to his impulses, He uses others to use means that will penetrate. Somebody who does his practices regularly prepares the aura in such a way that it is pure, clean, and permits rays from above to penetrate easily and directly without the need for an outsider to be used as a medium.


Now Paul's fear of committing himself definitely to something well defined and pledged, is weakness on some plane or planes. He is now accepted by his H.G.A. and he must learn to live up to his calling, and go on!


I wrote Paul to-day, sending him a copy of de luxe ed. of



Fun of the Fair

The Heart of the Master

Pamphlet by the Compte de Fenix (pseudonym of A.C.'s) [The Scientific Solution of the Problem of Government]


which I have been able to pick out for him. I'm sending them to him as a compliment, of course.


The above magical thoughts which came spontaneously into the typewriter, might be good; may-be you can use them, for they do not seem to be understood by many. Roy's problem falls under this heading too!


Love is the law, love under will.


Ever yours,




