Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
12 March 1949
Dear Yorke,
Thanks for your letter of Jan. 20 with enclosures. This has been the worst weather here in 47 years—ran completely out of fuel; got sick, etc. Glad to report conditions improved. Am all behind with mail, etc.
Thanks for The Order and Value of the English Alphabet. Had not seen this edition. Understood that Liber Trigrammaton represented A.C.'s attempt at this. Thanks also for the interesting postcard to Mudd [Norman Mudd]—which I return herewith (registered) as requested. Have made some notes in my copy of Liber Legis as to the suggested correspondences with Sephiroth and Paths, but have not made a carefully considered check-up on the value of this 'discovery'. Doubt if the application of "line drawn" to other pages of Ms. has much value.
Somehow don't feel much drawn to inspection of "abortive visions of the War Engine". Thanks for the offer. I have been led to spend a good deal of time trying to sort out the fundamental principles of the Yi King—although am rather inclined to think it a snare and delusion. Have you A.C.'s working on that subject? If so, does it seem to you he reached any conclusions of importance?
How is your own book on yoga coming along? I'm very much interested in your work in that field and feel no doubt you will produce a really valuable contribution along those lines. Put me on your list of subscribers for at least one copy—possibly several.
One rather interesting thing I might mention as resulting from the "occult flurry" of a year ago and the many references which cropped up to the "Vibratory Word". I was visiting the United States latter part of last year, and had an interview with a woman whom I have always known as more or less psychic, and to whom I had sent earlier in the year one communication on that special blue Ma-Ion paper, mentioning my belief that we had entered a new cycle. I had said nothing whatever about the Word—vibratory or otherwise. When we were together she immediately asked me to discuss my work on the inner planes. I told her I didn't do any that I knew of, other than during course of meditation, etc. But she said that she wanted to know more about the Word I taught the "class" to vibrate on the inner planes at night. She wouldn't believe me when I told her I was quite unaware of any such thing. But, she said, I'm there at the classes and you keep on explaining to about thirty of us just how to use this Word of the Ma-Ion. I had a devil of a job to persuade her that this was all new to me, and that I should like to her to tell me what was going on.
She certainly thought I was trying to bluff her. But anyway, we made another appointment, at which I succeeded in getting her to write down phonetically some of the "music" she had been hearing. She first gave me a few short bits, which I immediately recognized as very like those extraordinary Gnostic vibration Names which appear in the Pistis Sophis and Chaldean Oracles. I questioned her on that score and she had never heard of them. Then I got her to go home and write out a longer passage. This she did and mailed to me. It was quite evident that she had been hearing some quite extraordinary method of using the very word MA-Ion as a vibration on the inner planes. This was very interesting to me because I only used Ma-Ion (the letters of the Word in one arrangement) as the mark of the "Daughter" Cycle. My own method of pronouncing the Word of 1926 is quite different—so that whatever she was getting was something entirely new to my conscious mind.
After my return home, however, I received first a ten-page typed paper (single space) of the ramifications of this Word; then another ten pages and later a third ten pages—all continuously different, made up of the same sounds, with slight variations of tone, etc., and with these she also sent me a key to pronunciation. I began to fear she had gone "cuckoo"; the darned thing evidently goes on in her mind forever.
Since I now have the thirty pages on the subject I am sending you the second lot of pen-notes she gave me. It will give you an idea of what I am talking about and should, I think, be put in your files as a proof that, believe it or not, someone has been affected by a vibratory word which, in that form, I never consciously sent out. Maybe it's a side-result (for the lesser Cycle) of the Word in its Original form as used in 1926, etc.
That's about enough for this sitting.