Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
1 April 1949.
Dear Jones,
Your 12/3/49. Many thanks for returning the card. That Liber Trigrammaton was supposed to be the order and value of the English alphabet was new to me, and I am inclined to doubt it. I must look at it again with that interpretation in mind.
Re the Yi King. All that A.C. left on the subject is what he called Shi Yi, a critical and mnemonic paraphrase of the Yi King—in verse. You probably have it. Then there is an unfinished essay on the Yi King which was to have been an introduction to the paraphrase when published. The old boy only used the Yi King for divinatory purposes, which in my opinion got him nowhere, I cannot very well send you the Shi Yi, as it is part of the material which belongs to Germer [Karl Germer], and since you bar me sending him Qoph Nia [Liber Qoph Nia vel Nomen Dei] and Liber 31, I cannot send you copies of typescripts which are his property. This unfortunately applies to that part of A.C.'s diary in which he records his Ipsissimus experience.
I found Mudd's [Norman Mudd] diaries most interesting and in their way extremely pathetic. He could not stand the pace, and fell in love with Alostrael [Leah Hirsig], even offering marriage, and finally became somewhat unbalanced, committing suicide in Guernsey. One of the three people whom A.C. definitely sent off their head.
Your vibratory psychic female seems typical of her class, a class for which I have very little use. All vibratory words, or barbarous words of invocation, have that sort of mantric effect on sensitives, and if they give themselves up to it without discretion, they ramble on for ever. It does not prove more than the known fact that mantra has curious effects on—or rather in—the subconscious. You know enough to evolve a genuine vibratory word as such, but its genuineness as a word is not proof to me that it is necessarily the word of an Aeon, though of course it always might be. I do not expect that she used a proper challenging technique when on the astral.
I apologise for typing, but my machine goes for overhaul tomorrow,