Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
K.J. GERMER 260 West 72nd Street New York, N. Y.
May 11, 1949
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Address of Hollander: I wrote him to-day asking him for a suggestion to get over the difficulties of sending the books back and forth and the long time I'd be without them.
Yours of May 5th: Thank you for the M.O. [Money Order] of $53.00. With this, Jean [Jean Sihvonen] - Ero [Ero Sihvonen] special contribution, plus the announced school fund, I should be able to transfer the May school fees for A.A. [Aleister Ataturk]. Thanks to all of you.
I do hope Montenegro's [Gabriel Montenegro] health will improve. I notice that Madera is up north, probably closer to the mountains, and he may be able to build up a new practice. He might also be able to keep in touch with Grady [Grady McMurtry] when he visits San Francisco which seems to be nearer than L.A.
Whenever you should need any books write me.
I am sorry to hear about your health, but hope you feel better now. Sascha [Sascha Germer] gets frequent messages from 666, intended for herself and me. There has been some sort of a warning as though there was a phase of magical attacks. But they must be expected, faced, passed, and taken in stride. We must have the firm confidence that our Work is in the hands of the Gods. The Secret Chiefs are watching it, and those who live in this Work without deviating from the lines laid down, and doing the practices regularly, will have automatic protection. Those who fall down and do not live up to their Work will feel it soon enough.
But do take care of yourself! I don't know what would happen without you to the Work on the West Coast. The more months go by the more I realise what Max's [Max Schneider] loss has been. His work is living with him, it is true, but his stature has not been equalled, and we badly need someone who has his deep understanding, his devotion, and his knowledge of A.C.'s teachings.
The last paragraph of your letter: No, I don't quite know what you refer to in your 'subtle breathing'. Don't forget that I am awfully dumb in the understanding of the technical outer, conscious, side of the material-spiritual training system. I am there, but there is a veil, a thick veil, that hides my real knowledge from my outer consciousness.
All our—Sascha and mine—best wished to your speedy complete recovery!
Love is the law, love under will.
The H.Q. is a lonely place. How I wish you could live there for a few months & take a complete rest! K