Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, 27, California
May 22, 1949
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I thank you for yours of the 11th.
The School Fund. Roy [Roy Leffingwell] tells me Monty [Gabriel Montenegro] is not in a position to continue his contribution: the house bought in Madera, which fortunately provides both living and office accommodations, and various expenses connected with the move north. Madera is nearer San Francisco, and I hope Monty will see Grady [Grady McMurtry]. He did not meet him there.
I thank you for what you say about 666. I accept the fact of attacks; also that the weakest spot is the one to give way, and the state of my health lies at my own door. Long years of physical abuse and neglect, plus emotional unbalance, cash in sooner or later. I am one of those folks who never liked himself or herself. I should not say 'never' for it may have taken root after I went to New York.
But be that as it may, I have had interesting experiences and acquired some knowledge during the period which shall both fortify and ease me, I am sure. If and when I get around to typing, my diary might be of some interest.
Breath. I cannot explain, now at least, just what is back of my sensing of 'breath' beyond the human breath: I thought you might know what I was talking about. That I sensed it would seem to indicate that the knowledge can be attained? That it is important to attain it?
Again, the word "substance" bounced from the page when reading something about Space. This word fastened itself in my mind; I use it in pranayama.
Also, when reading The Heart of the Master I came upon "The Voice of the Vulture". Came upon, because it stopped me short; I got no further. It, too, fastened itself in my mind.
Is this not an open pathway for me to follow? So I practise pranayama with Substance as the key. Unattainable, no doubt, but—as Aleister would say—the practise, the delving, the concentration will exercise the will at least.
Let me add one other item. During my G.M.R. [Great Magical Retirement] I attained and kept for quite a while what Aleister described as the "spirit breath". There was no consciousness of its meaning.
And yet, I frequently forget the work!
I hope to write next time about the Group and Roy; I have a report from Hugh [Hugh Christopher]. I want what Paul [Paul Milliken] and Bud have to say, as I am trying to get hold of Roy—get more facts.
Love is the law, love under will.
All love to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer],