Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72nd Street

New York, N. Y.



August 17, 1949



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Aug. 11, 12, and 15. Thanks for the M.O. [Money Order] for $45.00!


The news about Roy [Roy Leffingwell] hit us both deeply. I hardly know what too say. If it is true what Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] wrote that he had a stroke, I can only hope that he will recover completely and quickly and then go at it with renewed vigour. Who knows but that this has been lingering for some time? It would solve the riddle that has puzzled me for five months, that he wrapped himself up in complete silence since I wrote him last on March 21. I enclose copy of this. Please read it, return it, and give me any comment if you have any. Do you notice anything in my letter to which he could have taken exception?


I enclose a letter to Roy form me and Sascha [Sascha Germer]; I'm sure you'll have means of transmitting it to him.


Dion Fortune had been in fairly close relations with A.C. over the years. There is quite a file of letters at H.Q. which, when I have the time, I will look at more closely. All the recent books of A.C.'s as well as unpublished ones, such as "Aleister Explains . . ." [Magick without Tears] were the subjects of discussions. I have not seen a single book of hers as yet. Considering the correspondence between them it is hard to imagine that she should not have visited him frequently.—Regardie [Israel Regardie] was in her outfit at one time back in 1930 or so as the files show; there are letters of his to her; I have not read a single book of his, but have an idea that there is more to this.


As for you continuing your group, I think you should do this as best, and with as much vigour, as you can, without lust of result, and keep a circle of Thelemites, if only budding Thelemites, as it were like glowing ashes under the fire. As long as there are live ashes extant on the West Coast, there is always the chance that by the grace of God some wind might blow it into a roaring flame. I cannot do much in this phase; I, or shall I say we—Sascha and I—are too much and too exclusively absorbed by our work at H.Q.— Jean [Jean Sihvonen] wrote me recently of her thought of seriously coming to H.Q. during her vacation of three weeks. I wish she'd come and stay with us. When she is back she can give you all better pictures of the place and what we are doing.


My thoughts come always back to Roy's case. The second case in two years after Max [Max Schneider]! I hope it will not become as serious. His loss is still felt by me as irreplaceable. Roy must very much take care of himself to avoid a relapse after his recovery!


Love is the law, love under will.




P.S. I'll send you a set of the Holy Books [Volume I, Volume II, Volume III]; and, when ready, a copy of the "Preliminary Analysis" of LXV. I will have copies for sale.


