Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



September 1, 1949



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


First, let me say I was wrong in saying Roy [Roy Leffingwell] maintained something about the "one god". Paul [Paul Milliken] said my interpretation was wrong: that Roy held to 'no God'. Now, Liber VII is full of "My God". If you have the time, would you please give me an explanation of this?


Also, is your H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] the same as Jung's "Anima"? I think Jung would so designate Beatrice and Gretchen? According to him, the Anima eventually abides with the attained man.


Bow then, Roy: I was over Tuesday for the first time. Frances [Ward] said in the beginning, "No visitors. I will let you know when you may come over. Monty [Gabriel Montenegro] spent 3 nights there and was shocked that Frances and her sister were carrying on alone. Roy is so uncooperative, he wants Frances and Frances only, morning, noon, and night. And she refuses to, or cannot, lay down the law to him. Her sister can do this nicely and effectually, but she has her husband and her own duties, and, too, no doubt thinks Roy is not her particular job. So the burden falls on Frances, who lets Roy get away with murder.


Illustration: He refuses the bed pan, will not use a bedside substitute, and insists on going to the toilet—an arm over the shoulder of either woman, they an arm under each leg, to carry him there. No sedatives, because of de-hydration; so he "cat-naps". He is in pain with his throat and cannot understand why the pain cannot be stopped, etc., etc.


I took on for half an hour only when there. Frances asked me to go to the studio to separate the books, his and those of the Lodge [Agape Lodge], and look over other things preparatory to vacating it. I was there from 10 to half-past 4, and got home utterly exhausted, tumbled into bed at seven or a little after, and slept 11 hours.


The Leffingwell family will not—not indeed can!—do a thing—beyond paying the doctor bills by the daughter in the North, for Roy won't have Rhea [Rhea Leffingwell] near him! It's a mess all round.


But enough of this. I was shocked when I saw him. The doctors say there should be a change in about 2 weeks. ? ? ? ? Frances meantime wonders why "the Order can't do something for him". Poor girl, she doesn't realize everything involved in Roy's case. My sympathies are with her, but you know how we stand here. Paul gave $10 and I gave $10.


Schmolke [Herbert Schmolke]. Mary K. reached her limit some few months ago, about $300 up to that time, so I send him, once a month, 2 lbs of coffee, some tea, a tine of shortening, etc., about $3 worth of food, plus transportation. According to their letters, they have their eyes on California, but this may be solely to flatter Jane. You will know.


Love is the law, love under will.


My best to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer],




