Correspondence from John Symonds to Montgomery Evans





Lilliput Magazine

43-44 Shoe Lane,

London, E.C.4.



12 Sept [1949]



Dear Montgomery Evans,


Amongst Crowley's files I came across many a letter of yours. Although I have written to most people who were connected with the Master at some time or another, I don't think I wrote to you. So I was very pleased to get your letter.


I have written ninety thousand words of the life which won't be more than one hundred and twenty thousand, that is the greater part of the book. I should like to show you that part which covers A.C.'s activities from his return to France in 1924 till his expulsion in 1929. You could certainly put me right in many details.


Do you know what happened to Leah [Leah Hirsig]? I have written a great deal about her. Mudd [Norman Mudd] committed suicide in 1934.


I have volume III of the Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] in a German translation, in typescript. I am having it put into English. And I have four volumes in English typescript that follow on and take the narrative up to Cefalu, 1923, but not very well written alas.


Of Crowley's rarer works I have managed to get a copy of White Stains, Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden and the Scented Garden of Abdullah the Satirist of Shiraz, otherwise known as the Bagh-i-Muattar.


Do you think you could kindly send me a short list of Crowley's published works in your library, even of single sheets, so that I can check with my bibliography. I have all the items you mention, including Chicago May.


Well thank you for your letter and your kind suggestion. I look forward to your reply.


With best wishes,


Yours sincerely,


John Symonds


