Correspondence from J.F.C. Fuller to Edward Noel Fitzgerald
Chartlands. Limpsfield, Surrey. Limpsfield-Chart 2125.
17/9/49. [17 September 1949]
Dear Fitzgerald,
Thank you for your letter of 8/9. I was only too pleased to let you have the "Rosa Decidua" to add to yr collection. I do not believe that more than 20 copies was printed. Except for my 2 copies, I have never seen another.
Thank you for the "World Review". Crowleyanity, so-called, was a throwback to the primitive fertility cult, the worship of the creative power in Nature & the fountainhead of all magic. It is alive to-day in the pin-up girl, the chocolate-box beauty & the worship of film stars, legs, lipsticks, etc. The hornéd god is its divinity. Pan, Satan, Horus, Baphomet etc. etc. Unless Symonds [John Symonds] understands this, he has no understanding of Crowley. Crowley was a genuine avatar, but I don't think he knew it, but I do think that he sensed it in an existential way. The article is all right in facts, but it misses the spirit of the man.
Yes, A.C. paid me the £100 prize [for winning an essay contest, later published as The Star in the West.] He still had a bit of money left over in those days, but soon ran through it, when he became a very different man.
Yrs sincerely
[signed] J.F.C. Fuller.