Correspondence from Karl Germer to W.A. Guy Ltd.
Messrs. W.A. Guy Ltd. Hastings, England.
Your Ref. RJBG/1
October 11, 1949.
Dear Sirs,
In your two recent letters of June 29 and Sept. 27 you ask me to take action about those two books [Liber Aleph and Golden Twigs]—now, more than a year after I was only to eager to do so, but never got as much as a reply from you. (I refer to my letters of August 28, Sept. 9 and Sept. 29, 1948). Before that it had taken me fully 7 months to get the little information to enable me to write you my comprehensive letter of Aug. 28. Going still further back I remind you again that at first you promised the proofs for the books for May 1947. Had you kept these promises everybody would have been happy, including you.
It appears so futile to even ruminate on a possible resumption of doing work with you in view of the past more than two years. I hold you alone responsible for this present mess. The loss of time you will hardly be able to repay. But I must severely ask you to refund the one hundred pounds which we paid to you as an advance on a contract which you broke in every sense.
Will you kindly remit this sum to Mr. Louis Wilkinson c/o Mrs. De Selincourt, Grove Heath, Ripley, Surrey, England.
Very truly yours
Karl Germer
Cc to LW [Louis Wilkinson]
[handwritten note on Louis Wilkinson's copy]
Dear Mr. Wilkinson,
This explains itself. I'd like to go on and get Liber Aleph out. But with these people?
Did you get the £50 which I transferred to you for A.C.'s son's school fees?
Do you know when John Symonds is going to ship the rest of A.C.'s literary material to me? I'm waiting!
Best regards
Karl Germer