Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N. Y.

Endicott 2-6799



January 4, 1950



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


It will take some time to answer all the points in your letters of Dec. 14, 7, and 27. So I'll start of least somewhere. (I have been very busy lately and not very well.)


Thanks for the M.O. [Money Order] for $47.00


Yours of Dec. 7. That article by Yorke [Gerald Yorke] was in the 'Occult Observer.' I don't have number of issue here—is at H.Q. will make a not of it—Generally speaking, we can't expect any of these writers to produce anything adequately appreciating 666. Yorke wrote me he has seen the MS. of Symonds [John Symonds] book on A.C. and said it will not please A.C.'s adherents or followers. Nor do I expect it. All these people (Yorke included) are shallow. Yorke should know better; but having fallen down in a critical magical stage turned his love into hate, the usual way (like Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones]). The magical art is to acquire a point of view to use even the slaves for their proper job. Yorke was and still is instrumental in collecting masses of A.C. material from the most obscure sources, paying for these phantastic sums and sending me typed copies faithfully. He just sent me among many other valuable material a copy of A.C.'s diaries of 1917-18! which he had bought from somebody. More will be forthcoming form him. He himself will pass his collection on to the British Museum in the end.—With Symonds the case is similar: he is still lower than Y.[orke], just a mere plain newspaper scribbler, with that outlook; his only interest is to make money with his book; and he writes it in that sense. But—the Gods are probably shuffling the cards, and we can't know what the final results will be.—


I did get the Rituals you mailed—but have not checked them yet. Will do so later.—Please do not bother at the moment about copies of A.C. material for the British Museum, though. Not Airmail, we only use 5¢ foreign postage! If you have the time enough, it might appease and encourage Yorke to send him some stuff from time to time. When you do, you might make copies for me too. If you can't type now—send Y. a note to encourage him. As to your own 93 stuff and files: I think you should make a Will to pass all this material on to H.Q. which will be the center of everything—not the British Museum or Yorke! What you have is stuff of the Order, and that must go to the Order again, not to outsiders.


I have the 418 comment notes which you typed: thanks! If you like, do send Grady [Grady McMurtry] a set.


Your list of books and MSS is surprisingly great; many books I have not read, but would like to read. One MS. puzzled me: "Atlantis" which I think is missing here. I have seen this years ago, but I'm sure I have not got it among the material from A.C. arrived so far. When you have a chance to verify, I wish you'd give me precise data! Number of pages, etc., contents. If this MS. is lost elsewhere, as so much else, we'll need a copy for duplication.


"Enquiry" and Yorke's article: I think the latter was published in 'Occult Observer', a sheet published by Michael Juste [Michael Houghton], who is of doubtful value. I can let you know later; I have the copy at H.Q.


Monte [Gabriel Montenegro] has written me: he must first settle his affairs. Spring would be a good time for his arrival.


About Roy [Roy Leffingwell] I have not much to say. I wish I could about Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler], but it seems to me she will have to solve herself some problems or complexes. I agree: she has good material, I thought this always. I like those poems of hers that you sent. AND GENERALLY, she has a quality which is rare, something genuine; it is this that seems to have been exploited for selfish purposes by Roy. Phyllis will have to get her eyes opened, and cut the magical bond. Others have had to do similar things. LXV has something (though referring to a higher plane) on this: Chapter I, 7-8; IV 16-20.—Also, the "Master is selfish!" She must learn to see in any physical manifested man (or woman) nothing but a means through which 65 tries to talk and convey instruction, and enlightenment. One step, and nothing else!


Re your diary notes: I must say frankly that there is not much that strikes me as on higher planes. I wonder whether this would be a fair criticism to make as to the actual facts. I remember that Max's [Max Schneider] diaries also seemed to 666 when he saw them to contain nothing of real value. And yet! Max proved by his life that he was way above those notes. Is it only that Jane, like Max, cannot bring down to paper the higher plane material that certainly is conveyed, if only before dawn during sleep, or during the waking hours. We must make an effort to catch those messages.


I'll go into your remarks re "Enquiry" when I have the copy at H.Q. You forgot to mention that you also lived with A.C. in Tunis (you say only Cefalu and Paris). To be complete would give more value or weight to your statements. Should I send your notes to Yorke or Symonds, I'll add this.


I do wish I knew what you know about the way Roy influenced PH[yllis].—or others—against me.—Phyllis certainly does not play the role of 'outcast'! I believe being treated as such is part of the game the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] is playing with one's soul—the soul of 'chosen ones'. Sascha [Sascha Germer] was an outcast all her life, despite all appearances. But that was necessary to bring out the pure gold. I could compose a long list of brethren and sisters in whose life this trait was paramount! And the loneliness! One must learn to become so intimate with one's H.G.A. that one gets a dislike for all other company.—I have never kept my eyes off Phyllis.


Let me now close, have too much to do. My love to you!


Love is the law, love under will.




