Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, 27, California
December 7, 1949
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I found the occasion to speak to Paul [Paul Milliken] about the possibility of publication in Germany—that is, it flowed in naturally—of Liber Aleph. He said he would be unable to help because of the improvements he made to his beach property. I saw these improvements when there with Ero [Ero Sihvonen] and Jean [Jean Sihvonen] for lunch when they were down two weeks ago—the 17th November it was. Quite an amount of shoring, of an excellent type, outside additions to the cabin, etc., etc., bought last February.
He has ordered a copy of "Enquiry" from a dealer handling this sort of thing, and would like to get a copy of the magazine carrying the Yorke [Gerald Yorke] article. Could you tell me the name and month of issue? The Symonds [John Symonds] article left him speechless, dumbfoundered, principally because of being a literary executor; but also because he found one paragraph belaboured A.C., then came another paragraph which spoke rather well of him.
Hugh [Hugh Christopher] is the 'receiver' of, or medium for, what has come through. Strike out the word 'emendation' in what I wrote formerly. It does not belong. Hugh seldom gives the exact words used. He translates through his own words for the most part. What seems to be impressed upon him. Also, my setting up of what he said was done a day or two later. There was the word "addition" and also "so as to reach a greater number of people". Our next meeting, December 13, will likely bring something. I will keep you well informed. Hugh is performing Liber Samekh and lately has received the King scale Hierophant's colour. The 777 correspondences are rather interesting.
Another item: Paul called when Jean and Ero were here, to bring me a new book, "In Search of the Miraculous", Ouspensky, posthumously published. During the talk between him and Ero I sat silently. There came a transition: Paul on another plane—I know not which or what. I gazed, and to myself said, "I have never really known Paul", Now Hugh always sits in the same chair when here, and in the same place. Paul was now in Hugh's chair, drawn out and away from its usual place. After the above realization, Hugh was sitting in the same chair, at his usual place; and I know that he, Paul and myself formed a triangle for something to be done. But what this work is I know not—at the moment at least.
I looked over at Jean and Ero, and they seemed far from me, and without any special contact, with perhaps a light mist between. Ero wants to come into town and go to school on G.I. funds. Electronics. To get anywhere 3 years will be necessary. While discussing the matter, I saw him out in large expansive country—trees, hills, etc. (Dams? Bridges? Canals?)
Please understand I do not immediately accept this 'medium' vision work as it comes. It must be rigorously tested. But as I said, records will be kept, and you will be informed.
Friday I posted 5 Rituals, plus procedure of Council—6 in all. I took a chance on straight mail, when I discovered I could not register because of the scotch tape on my home-made envelope.
Ray [Ray Burlingame] finds himself unable to send his remittance before the 10 or 11; Therefore you will ear from me shortly, and I will then enclose "Enquiry". I have made up some notes, but want to go over the article again before typing it out for you.
What you say about Yorke's gathering of A.C. material for the British Museum, because of an earlier vow, is news. I have some interesting and valuable letters from Aleister. Does the B.M. [British Museum] accept typed copies of letters? Or does Yorke want such for himself? This is for my information; I could not type them now, in any event. Also, I kept many things for Agape Lodge; but as I am now sceptical of an organization to receive such, what would you suggest? I enclose lost of books. I had thought of sending Grady [Grady McMurtry] a list also. I am putting my things in some sort of convenient order, because my heart has been bothering me lately—somewhat. But I believe this is entirely in my hands. Ergo: Plenty of pranayama, or other deep breathing. I have a tendency toward shallow breathing, even holding my breath for a bit!
In this housecleaning I cam across the typescripts made from Yorke's notes on Eq[uino]x 4 and 6. Four copies, plus his notes. Do you want Grady to have a copy of each? Ray B. can go over mine if you see fit. When you first sent me Yorke's various notes, I typed those on Liber VII and those on the New Testament, over a year ago. As I do not find them anywhere I assume they were sent you at the time.
Two nights ago Monty [Gabriel Montenegro] phoned me from Sacramento 1) to ask about Roy [Roy Leffingwell]; 2) to say that he was concerned about his A∴A∴ work, that he had written you but had not received a reply. I assume this is because you have been too busy, and I shall write him in a day or two. If he were close at hand, where we came in contact, I might do something for him (if you saw fit), but outlining his steps as he proceeds may be quite beyond me. Understand, he did not ask me to step in! He asked nothing of me except to say if I could not give him any information in the matter of—what to do, I think he meant; whether to sit tight and await the outcome, or whether you would help him. I feel it is not up to me to make a move. Does Grady handle any work like this? I sent a woman to him who had appealed to me, but have not yet heard what took place. I shall write her shortly and make inquiry. She thinks her interest lies in extra-sensory work. Yoga? Well, I will ask her a lot of questions.
I feel like telling you I have found it next to impossible to write Schmolke [Herbert Schmolke]. My last to him was dated June or July so last week in November I finally got a letter put together somehow. I felt guilty. He had written 3 times in the meantime. Any reason for this?
Perhaps you know Jean has a case of bursitis? Her displacement notice was withdrawn and the attack came shortly after. Ero has not written since the 17th Nov., nor has Jean. I shall send a note asking how she is getting along.
Love is the law, love under will.
With love,