Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




New York 23



Feb. 17, 1950



Dear Jane ,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Yours of Feb 7th with M.O. [Money Order] for $57.  Thanks!


I'll credit everyone.


Your report on Phylis [Phyllis Seckler] is most interesting. I'm glad she is beginning to see the light. The dreams: I can do no better than to refer you to "The Wake World", Konx Om Pax, part II, and more particularly page 12, bottom paragraph. The No. 1 'dream' may well fit it.—Not knowing PH[yllis]. well, it is so hard for me to judge her problems, except in a general manner. I remember her vaguely from my talks on LXV in L.A. I was introduced to her, but she hardly left an impression on my mind. In fact I would not recognize her if I met her accidentally. Nor have I seen her diaries.—Sara Dodge? Who is that?

     Should my theory be right, and should she be working towards an Tiphereth illumination, which I presumed her to have passed—I'd like her to keep her diary as complete as possible especially during the coming phase. She may understand it only long after fully. Impress on her also that those 'dreams' ought to be considered as messages, or warnings. I wish I knew more about her.


I see you have not heard from Jack [Jack Parsons], nor anyone else. Nor have I. I'm beginning to wonder whether my first letter to you of Jan. 25 was not the correct view after all. However, I don't want to enlarge on this now except to warn you to be even more cautious. May-be there is activity in the Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] quarter. (There is for instance that 'dream' of Phyllis';) and then Jack's behavior if seen in perspective. In June 1949 he wrote me a long, decent, letter reviewing his past years. Then I heard S.[mith] was visiting him—may-be the tempter, to subtly wean him away from his new-won spiritual honesty, and integrity. And now he may well be again in subservience to S. Several of his remarks had the distinct Smith tinge.


A question from Jean [Jean Sihvonen] induces me to state my position with regards to H.Q. and contributions form Thelemites.—You know that I cannot get H.Q. registered in the name of the O.T.O. because the Order is not legally established here. For that reason I consider the monies received as in Trust for the G.W. [Great Work]. While the bulk of the burden has been borne by Sascha [Sascha Germer]—purchase of the property as well as maintenance, the simple position is this: When we bought the property there was a balance in the treasury of about $1000. I added this to the down payment, and have since applied income from 93 members (at least what was left over after paying freight, office equipment, A.A. [Aleister Ataturk] fees, etc. etc.) towards mortgage interest and maintenance. I also had to cable $400 to London in 1948 to pay for some urgent debts or funeral expenses.


     Love is the law, love under will.






     P.S. Re: several of your remarks on S. [Wilfred T. Smith] & J. [Jack Parsons]: We must Doubt, Doubt & Doubt again & again. Spiritually honest people are always in danger of falling for subtle wish-phantasms of the kind as things should be or would be nice if they were true! How often and bitter have A.C.'s disappointments and betrayals not been due to this tender weakness!  K.


