Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to John P. Kowal
14 July 1950
Dear Dr. Kowal,
Many thanks for yours of July 3. I am delighted to hear that the U.[niversal] B.[rotherhood] are buying in order to preserve all of Achad's [Charles Stansfeld Jones] papers. Let me here list what I myself have got.
Liber Coph Nia [Liber Qoph Nia vel Nomen Dei] A Vital Message of Matisinasurya The Teaching of the New Aeon The Passing of a Genius (Aleister Crowley)
54 long letters on A∴A∴ and O.T.O. matters (mainly historical).
43 official letters announcing the new aeon of Truth and Justice in 1948, being the Epistle of M.A.A.T. to the Crowned Children of the New Aeon. Of these 1 was special to me, 42 were shared with Handel [Albert H. Handel], and 1 of the 42 was also sent to you and Germer [Karl Germer].
You should find carbons of all the above amongst Achad's papers, so that there is no need for me to copy them for you and the U.B. You are however welcome to copies if you do not find any item or items amongst his papers.
Despite our personal beliefs, only time will show whether Achad's claim is true that he was the 'child'—the 'one'—who was to announce the Aeon of the Crowned and Conquering Child, and so to replace Crowley's old Aeon of Ra-Hoor-Khuit with all its 'horror and crudity'.
Achad—as he once wrote to me—was able to announce this because he accepted both Crowley's Liber Legis and the Roman Catholic teaching concerning the Virgin. His synthesis of the two gave birth in 1948 to his aeon of Truth and Justice.
I understand that the U.B. will proclaim this New Aeon and work it out. If so I am extremely interested and would like to follow what is done. I already however notice one departure. Achad in announcing this Aeon always began with the formula "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and concluded with "Love is the law, love under will". You drop this. Is this dropping official in the U.B.?
The two typescripts you sent me are so elementary that they really tell me nothing of the U.B. I would however like to know more or the U.B. teaching with regard to the New Aeon.
Meanwhile do let me urge you to do your utmost to preserve the Achad material. It—the latter—will have great value from the historical point of view with regards to the tracing of the origins of Achad's New Aeon, and showing from what the latter emerged, thereby helping us to understand how his final synthesis and 'Manifestation' differs from what went before.
As it must be some time before you get and sort Achad's papers, I will not write to you again for them for some 12 months—unless I hear from you in the meantime. You will then have read all my letters to him which will—as they say—'put you in the picture as far as I am concerned'. He sometimes wrote to me as Frater V.I.—my motto in the A∴A∴
G. J. Yorke.