Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/2 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



July 31, 1950



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Since Paul [Paul Milliken] was here, and read to me his letter to you, I have debated adding a few words. It may be unwise, but I shall do so.


One afternoon while Ero [Ero Sihvonen] and Jean [Jean Sihvonen] were still in town, Paul told me that he had loaned Ero $100—a sum asked by Ero when he changed schools so that he would not lose a month awaiting his Government check. Paul then added: "I wonder how soon Karl [Karl Germer] will get it." It was Paul's intention to have Ero send that hundred to you when repayment by Ero was offered.


As Paul enclosed his check for $50 it would seem as if he wanted you to have another $50, from Ero—the balance then to be returned to Paul. Or was this clear in Paul's letter to you?


At this same time Paul was concerned about the One and/or a merging with the whole. I read that portion of your letter to Roy L. [Roy Leffingwell]. of March 21, '49, concerning "0=2 — 2=0." But there is Ararita, Cap III—"Say thou that He God is one; God is the Everlasting One; nor hath He any Equal, or any Son, or any Companion." I should be happy for information and/or explanation here.


Monty [Gabriel Montenegro] is overwhelmed with debts and liable to lose all if he cannot make a loan. The "friend" who got him to Sacramento played him false by selling out his practise to Monty, inasmuch as a druggist there undermined anyone seeking Mexican clients. However, the druggist in not entangled with the Law, and may be Monty will pull out of his sorry mess. He stayed with the Burlingames [Ray & Mildred] when here two or three days, and Ray had long talks with him, for which I am thankful. He, by the way, thinks Monty's state may be magical.


I had a yen to once again perform the Deacon role in the Mass [Gnostic Mass], and so informed Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]. As it happened, Marie Prescott was at Lake Arrowhead over the week, so I enjoyed the doing of the role once more. And was glad to know some power was there. As we talked afterwards—(I also had dinner with them out under the trees)—I could not help but think he is on the Path once more. Or am I wrong in this?


Love is the law, love under will.


May the High Gods be with you both,




