Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




K.J. Germer

260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N.Y.

Endicott 2-6799



Sept. 13, 1950



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thank you for yours of Sept. 5 with M.O. [Money Order] for $40. Thank God Jean [Jean Sihvonen] - Ero [Ero Sihvonen] and Ray [Ray Burlingame] - Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] helped for certain extraordinary expenses this month.


Yorke [Gerald Yorke] is quite allright; still, I have written him again to-day about your letters. I am sure he has sent the set of TS. copies with the cases of the remaining material which, he says, was picked up by the shippers Aug. 18th. I am waiting anxiously for the advice by the N.Y. Customs Brokers that the shipment has arrived here.


Ero-Jean: I believe you are right about your diagnosis of their mutual relation. It may well be that Jean may have completed her job with Ero and that the friction is the usual one when relations become stale. If not severed, the friction gets worse and grows into hatred. Both being Thelemites, they ought to face the situation and take the necessary steps. Ero, having learned so much from Jean may need another teacher; Jean having proved that she has learned the lesson from Max [Max Schneider], may need to find another male that needs her wonderful pep-injection-treatment, and gradually grow a crop of promising Thelemites. Why not should both be chosen to find wealthy partners? Both are young and are well on the way of the discovery of their True Wills. Keep an eye on them. I like Ero very much and he has promise—and Jean!!


The Book of the Law preaches Freedom, real freedom, freedom from and freedom of, but always subject to Will. That means strict discipline of mind and body. In other civilisations such as Islam, or even France and Italy, your question re 'sodomy' would sound like a joke. But even in the U.S.A. the practice seems to have been common among the boys and men in small towns. I remember a married man who told me in 1927 that the repression of natural intercourse by the 'moral-immoral' codes of society and religious customs forced him, and his brother, but, as they found out later, other mature boys too, to take their pleasure from the pet cow in the stable, every morning. Both, boy and cow, enjoyed it extremely! This was, I think in Ohio or some mid-western state. Why should it be different else-where? I don't know what U.S. girls do in like situations?


Re Sun, 666, etc. "For He is ever a Sun, etc." The "He" is not A.C. but 666, who liveth forever, and runs the affairs of humanity. I wonder whether 666 has not been sending you messages.


Thanks for sending me the copy of your letter to Monte [Gabriel Montenegro].—I wish Monte would see you more often now that he is going to be in L.A. again. He is also promising and is learning to transmute certain magical weaknesses. I enclose his latest, please return.


Love is the law, love under will.


As ever,




P.S. How is the new car going? What make?




