Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/2 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



November 8, 1950



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


A report on Hugh [Hugh Christopher].


For some time he has been practicing Liber Samekh—indeed before he went away on vacation in August, taken up again on his return, and continued five days a week since. As he uses the living room for his work, and the family are home over the week-end, work is impossible then. He has had these results:—



a. That the ritual is now a part of himself.


b. That is necessary for the world that he perform this ritual, and that he perform it exactly as written.


c. That a "gold figure was manifested" before him at one time, but he could not diagnose the features.


d. That from the elbows up, and circling his head, was a strong vibrant emanation.


e. Again he comes into contact with power that is frightening, but he feels the day will come when he must use this power. At the moment there is no aim.


f. That his "inertia", which has distressed him, is to be disregarded. Hands off! Time will take care of that.


Meantime he is studying Magick. Before this book, Abramelin-the-Mage.


Our last monthly meeting—Hugh, Paul [Paul Milliken] and myself (a strange animal is to join us in December)—which was discussion from start to finish, led Hugh to say when here last that he was very disturbed over Paul's "confused" mind. Devious, I call it. A peculiar mind: that can nail him to the cross or keep him floundering in a morass. Or, again, fill him with a purring contentment. Possibly why he drank so freely.


Monty [Gabriel Montenegro]. He puts himself right in one's lap, with a "Here I am: teach me!" From Ray's [Ray Burlingame] remarks he is challenging when there, which pleases me. I have already told him that he will have to stand on his own two feet.


I can see now that I was all wrong with the dramatic ritual. My love of ritual brought this about. "Honorary" degrees, I understand, are bestowed with a reading of the given ritual; that Spencer Lewis got his seventh that way, a Degree that is necessary to function in an authoritative manner as he did. For full initiation the ritual must be acted out in open lodge. So I will go ahead as I understand is your wish; but start the work by taking up the Minerval first.


Love is the law, love under will.






