Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




K.J. Germer

260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N.Y.

Endicott 2-6799



November 9, 1950



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Just a few lines to confirm, with thanks, your M.O. [Money Order] for $52.00. I don't understand your remarks on the M.O.'s; however, it does not matter to me.


Please go ahead with the ritual. I have every confidence in you that you will make it impressive. The only O.T.O. initiation that I witnessed was that in the Minerval and it was a farce—I refer to Roy [Roy Leffingwell] as G.M. [Grand Master].


My dear Jane: I think it is about time that you begin to realise that things like 'I have gone over in my mind' (your last letter) is possibly an impulse implanted in your mind by extraneous forces. If so, it comes from some one who knows better. It is not easy to check the actual source. In the meantime it is wise to remember that 666 has been appointed to act as Grand Hierophant. His influence and direct inference upon activities has been plausible, or even evident, at this end in many instances. Sascha [Sascha Germer] has been the recipient, and/or messenger in most striking experiences.


Generally speaking it is well to actually get in into one's mind and soul that 'every man and every woman is a star" does mean what it says. For one thing then the incarnated man or woman is nothing but outmost the precipitation of a star on this earthly plane, in close touch on the higher planes with fellow stars, who may be incarnated or not, grown-up as humans or not; it does not matter. The actual impulses come from those high planes. It is by constant, or regular practices, with increasing intensity and ardour, that one makes oneself capable of understanding the language that those star souls are sending, especially in critical periods, or in answer to a prayer (which may well be an appeal for help or enlightenment without one's being aware of it at the moment); or in a state of deep worry about how to proceed, worry which automatically leads to deeper concentration, which in turn is heard, and, answered.


I'm writing this to assist you in understanding the workings of the machinery in the extra-rational worlds. I am in touch with a lady of my age in Canada, who understands and lives this naturally, and who should be, or, may-be, is, a good Thelemite. She has been used as a messenger.


Now let me close my epistle. Do make suggestions soon.—Monte [Gabriel Montenegro] wrote me yesterday. It is well possible that when he was led to you, (I'm speaking of his first contacting 93) he made the wrong choice. He chose to throw in his lot with Roy, which was a false choice. As a result he had to pay for it in hard and bitter experiences. Roy, at that time already had the sign of the fallen Thelemite on his brow. (If you reproach me for not having protected Monte during the time that I visited L.A., which I could have done) you would be perfectly right. I have learned much since then. He was vampyrised by Roy's aura, and sucked spiritually dry and led into the desert by his H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] to get him away from the evil influence. It cost him dearly, in material things but he gained or has been given a chance to gain spiritually. He is of the right stuff, but weak. As you say, he must get a manly outlook.


I have one of A.C.'s diaries where he says that during the phase when he lived in the U.S.A. his problem was all the time to take the right choice between two women that were sent to him by the Masters. As though they wanted to test whether he was permitting himself to be guided by his right instinct, to choose the proper one. (You'll find a reflex of this in Liber Aleph chapter on Olun, I think it is, where he had to choose the right female.) But it seems to me that experience is really universally applicable. As we grow spiritually we learn to disregard external appeals, but listen to the internal. I mean by that: a candidate meets several, or, say, two people who could take an influence on his life. The one appeals to all his outer sense, eye, ear, sex, etc. It makes him fall in 'love' and he yields. The other party, turned up at the same time, and being the proper 'guide', is considered for a moment, but passed by in the uprush of the more immediate passion.


One has to pay for the false choice. For the higher grades it may be fatal; for the lower grades, one may get a second chance.


I'm writing this without premeditation. Think it over and let me know if it appeals to you. Could it apply to Jean's [Jean Sihvonen] case?—With Ero [Ero Sihvonen]?


Love is the law, love under will.






In a former letter Monte said he wanted to write to me for advice re domestic matters. He never did & need not do so, as long as he sees the problem spiritually and does not refuse to act when the call and conditions for action comes.—It's all in " Magick W.T. [Magick Without Tears]".




