Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/2 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



December 15, 1950



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Enclosed are 5 mimeographed copies of "Oath of a Probationer" of AA and one copy of "Horned Moon" by Jack Parsons—mentioned by him in the paper you sent me for identification. I regret the day's delay in getting these AA papers to you, but I failed to locate my copies and so had to await the evening to get copies from WTS [Wilfred T. Smith]. He will send you samples of Examination papers of various sorts.


A.C.'s Probationer Oaths were on beautiful paper, with some gold lettering, and two seals, one red, the other black, with the appropriate ribbons attached. The Oath itself has full instruction on the back, but I will add that whereas a full Magical Diary for one year, after which came the examination paper—in Cefalu the diaries were read rather frequently, and we were analysed on the blank sheet left for that purpose. I.e. we wrote on one side of the paper only, the other side was left free for A.C.'s notes re entries. The year would be a test for the applicant's really wanting AA, I assume; it also protected the Guru.


The Eastern Star is composed only of women—is no part of Theosophy—and was organized by the Masons, no doubt for their women folk; possibly at their request and to keep them occupied. They have rituals, hold offices, etc., as do the Masons, and are pleased indeed when complimented for good leadership in the Chair. Which is for one year, I suppose.


A letter yesterday from Jean [Jean Sihvonen] tells me that it is impossible to put on an initiation at the Ranch. There ain't no roof on the aforesaid walls put up by Ero [Ero Sihvonen] & Harold at Roy's [Roy Leffingwell] request. Also there is the water shortage, and cold what is of it. We will talk things over when they come down for the Xmas holidays.


I plan to take part in the Mass [Gnostic Mass] the Sunday before Christmas, when the man and his wife have promised to come.


Love is the law, love under will.


All love to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer],




