Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[17 January 1951]
From my present knowledge I am sure that I reached Tiphereth (5 = 6) in June, 1927. It was a great experience (you were in Paris at the time), but though I had in the years following some surprising—shall I call it 'manifestations'—I never realised that communications came from the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] It was only in 1946—I think it was, or possibly 1945—when I was actually taken by the hand and forced against my will to act in certain ways, which subsequently proved to have been extremely beneficial to me. That led to correspondence between A.C. and myself on the subject which deepened my understanding.—I must relate one special instance—'. in 1932, I think it was—when, on waking· a voice urged me to add up a certain passage in a Holy Book. I was surprised and wrote A.C. from Berlin—to London where he was—not telling him the solution of the qabalistic secret but simply referring to it and asking him. I wanted to see if he, A.C., had communicated it to me, or who? His reply showed that he had no idea what I was talking about. Then I wrote him and when I came to London shortly after, he said "you are a great Qabalist", referring to this discovery. Since then he accepted it as a true discovery.
The main thing to understand is that an H.G.A. is (1) not the 'Higher Self' but a separate individuality from one's self; (2) that it is a Being operating on higher planes. A.C. wrote me that he had (or is this in one of the 'Letters' [Magick Without Tears]?) analysed this point time and time again and always found that the H.G.A.'s interference was outside, his own individuality.
In my present view, another point to observe is the formula 0 = 2. Nuit says that she is divided for love's sake for the chance of Union. The two that are divided must unite in order to get again into the state of Zero, bliss, ecstasy, etc. This thought pervades LXV, VII all the way through. (Passages like the following must be read in this light:—)
Jan. 20 I had to interrupt—was warned not to continue. However, you know the Holy Books, and the "Letters", and so should have all the information available. Here is one passage by A.C. which I will quote:
A.C. gave me some practical examples of the H.G.A.'s intervention. One, in 1946, when his needle broke, and he was alone in Netherwood, could not make an adequate injection, was lying on the floor (I believe it was) and a man (I think it was Watkins [Herbert Watson]) came through a blinding snowstorm without any apparent cause or reason, to his house a mile or two away, and found him prostrate; He phoned the one doctor who knew alone what was needed and, had it with him, who came and saved his life. A 1/4 hour later and he would have been dead.—These are special cases. What we have to learn and make ourselves ready for, is to hear the speech in ordinary things of our lives.
You must know Napoleon's life. There was a vital step to be taken by him at a crucial period of his life. I think it was in 1799 (or before) when he had to step forward to proclaim himself at Versailles as what developed later the absolute leader of the French. He was afraid; did not dare do it; so his brother (I think it was) pushed him forward and, if I remember correctly, raised his hand for the oath. It is in such cases as these that the H.G.A. takes an active hand directly, using any available medium. Once you get the working of the universe on higher planes; into your blood the apparent command and power of the H.G.A. of such other media becomes quite natural.
I had such a type experience in 1946 which. led to an exchange of letters with A.C. about this H.G.A.—There is a well-known story about Socrates who sent his (negative, though,) messages by a certain pain in the shoulder (with me it was during a certain phase in the arm). He called his H.G.A. Diotima. With Dante it seems to have been 'Beatrice' whom he probably never met in life.
Intense practices and invocations make the soul capable to react and understand the language of the H.G.A. better and clearer.
It may, perhaps, be good to add some further remarks. I am sure that A.C.'s realisations in full consciousness have matured very slowly on this problem. His diaries show that his H.G.A. often sent him the clearest messages through women like Ouarda [Rose Kelly] the Seer, Mary d'Este [Mary d'Este-Sturges], the other S.W. [Scarlet Woman] and other media. He insisted on cross-questioning the messenger with all the analytical power of his brilliant mind, so that the party that tried to convey certain important things to him, became unwilling at the stupidity and had to give up.
We should all take courage from this and not despair if we have been a failure so far, but learn how to improve on our own state.
If you knew how even 666 groped for light often enough, and not he alone, we all do! At the best we can attain to one single ray of light of those billions and trillions that are sent out by the Sun—without charge—daily. We can pick up only that particular ray that lies in our nature as an individual. The ray we can grasp is different from that of the next. Van Gogh's was different from Gauguin's, and so forth. Don't be disheartened! You ought not to be less than anyone else! You possess everybody's love, respect and admiration! It is another thing that you are dissatisfied, with yourself. Such a state is the very condition preceding a birth. Ask any artist, statesman or even businessman when a great decision is at stake.
Adonai: I have grappled and am still grappling with this conception actively. My present. view is that 65 is a state which can only be attained through the H.G.A. as an intermediary. It is here where the formula of 0 = 2 comes in, as mentioned on p. 1. The state of "being in love" can only be reached with the assistance of a second party (strictly speaking even the Narcissus-type comes in this category). In LXV the term Adonai is sometimes used as applying to both conceptions: 65 and H.G.A. But in several passages the distinction is very clearly shown.
I have taken some pains to answer your doubts and uncertainty. The reason is that I myself have revolved this problem in my mind for twenty or more years. I have asked A.C. several times questions, but I would not: have understood his answers; you must understand the subject from the inside out; each one must 'grope in the horror of the groves all by himself; the solution comes at the end of all aspiration, or striving; as a sort of reward, not as a bribe in the beginning of the quest.