Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
260 W. 72 New York 23, N.Y.
March 1, 1952
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I enclose copy of letter which Jack Parsons sent me. Show it to Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith], whom I wrote yesterday and mentioned it, saying I was sending you a copy.
This is another case of somebody promising trying to face a type of archdemon whose malignity he has not suspected. The accomplishment of the Abramelin operation is not as simple as that. The urge must surely not come from vanity, ambition, or other reasons such as lust for power. I sent Jack a short note, but I doubt it will help in any way.
This is all for now. How did you like the Cammell [Charles Richard Cammell] book? I enclose copy of a letter written by Louis Wilkinson to Cammell. I replied extensively.—Oh yes: Wilkinson also mentioned that the son of his close friend John Cooper Powys is at the same school as A. Ataturk [Aleister Ataturk], and they are good friends. He states: "and they seem to be friendly to each other. This Powys boy is evidently appreciative of A.A. [Aleister Ataturk], tells me how unusual and how clever he is. I am glad to be able to get some news in this way."
Wilkinson knows Deirdre MacAlpine well, has been visiting her in Scotland, but complains also that he cannot extract a word form her. "It is a peculiar obliquity on her part".
Love is the law, love under will.
From H.Q. in the midst of a violent snowstorm, I hope the last this year.
Ever yours, with love to Mary K.,