Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler




K.J. Germer

260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N.Y.

Endicott 2-6799



May 5, 1952



Dear Phyllis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of April 27, received to-day. I want to answer now, else I don't know when I'd get to it.


It is hard to try to explain in a letter what my ideas are about the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel]. You'd ask me again and again. Nobody explained it to me. I believe every one has to find out for him/herself. You've got to start from another beginning. You are Phyllis on this plane, but you are also a Star from time immemorial and you have had innumerable lives, and represented different types in their course. If you imagine yourself for a moment (to use the imagery of LXV) as a Serpent, but on quite another plane: then there must equally be a Heart around which the serpent has to wind itself LXV, II (I am the Heart and thou the Serpent; wind thy coils closer about me .) which Heart may at this moment be manifest as a human—or not. It is not very important, because it is not Phyllis that is doing the winding, except as, by initiation she gets a reflection of what is going on n her soul as a human being. The Heart (on its plane) will constantly be doing the tickling, if you allow me to say so, the stimulating, the urging towards that goal (the union of the two) which It is longing to accomplish. Once you know the various vv. [verses] of the 5 chapters of LXV by heart you will find innumerable passages that keep springing up in your soul and mind to illuminate you. (I wonder whether it is wise to memorize several books at a time. I suggest to stick to one, and that is LXV, and get the whole of it into your blood; VII can follow later; it will not mean or teach you too much now.)


You should not worry at all, at all about finding a human partner on this plane to accomplish that union, for it is a mystical union, and a human being would only distract or destroy. Take A.C.: he was looking through all his life for the real Sc. W. [Scarlet Woman]. It was only at the end of his longing that he found what it was all about. And yet, every one of the Sc.W. had to convey a message, a lesson to him: but they were nothing but messengers; as soon as he took them to be more, they were torn away from him, and ended wretchedly.


Keep affirming in your heart your longing, your devotion, to 65, or the HGA: He is constantly around you, once He has found ingress to your soul. He is watching over you, and the more you begin to perceive His signs, that He is giving you, the more subtle will become your senses, and get attuned to His language.


Even the apparent difficulties in your life are part of His plan. One thing that all of us forget is that the clock on higher planes does not go by hours, days, months and years: the periods are different; the crime is impatience. The moment you stop desiring, in comes 65. Easy to say, huh? It is the simple things that are hard!


Moreover, it is the HGA Himself who will set the proper day and hour for the union. Then all will be prepared beautifully and fall in its place. The leisure, the aspiration, the Yoga, the surrounding, the silence, and all the rest. Did I tell you that He arranged everything for me in the solitude of the Concentration Camp? Learn to abandon yourself with utter confidence to Him. Yet, as it is said: Invoke often! Learn the whole of LXV by heart!


Par. 1 on page 2 of your letter: I cannot judge. But here is a thought: some women, (also men) are able to enjoy in the physical union with such an intensity that they fall into a Samadhi state. I envy them. May-be what you try to describe is this? If so, there was no union with your HGA. He only used some physical body to bring, what He wanted to give you. The thanks must not go to the body that was only used as a tool, an instrument. There should not be any 'backtracking'. If there is, it should be in the direction of false conceptions about the interpretation of the phenomenon, or phenomena, if the experience occurred frequently.


False entities or voices: yes there are plenty. And I must confess to my shame and regret that I have not solved the problem of how to distinguish in every case.


Diary: yes, there are often things or thoughts one is given or urged to write down, that seem outrageous (at the moment). Have you checked such thoughts 3 years later to see whether you do not discover that there is very deep material in them? Don't forget that Truth on the higher planes may look quite different from the conventional truth in which we have grown up.


Have you now in your possession one of the LXV reproductions with A.C.'s "Preliminary Analysis". Let me know, and I'll send you one. It may help in a way to get some rational understanding of many passages. Still, it was just a "Preliminary" analysis; there's much in the verses that has been discovered since; much is yet to discover.


Yes: we will have to copy The Vision and the Voice with the text, complete and the Notes under each page. It makes it hard work; true. But there are not many who have vol. V of The Equinox. Next time I'm out at HQ I'll get a volume ready, so that you can start to work. I think we shall have to use close (single) spacing, otherwise it would be too lengthy. I will see Jean [Jean Sihvonen] who knows all about the Master typing for the exact number of the masters.—Israel Regardie, while he was yet a Thelemite, typed a copy out for himself with the Notes under each page to which the note belonged and had it bound up. I had to return it to London. We found that there were innumerable mistakes, and I shall send you a correct set.


You will have to keep the keys of your Woodstock very clean; they are now very blurred.


I'll close now. I hope I have brought a little light into your doubts or questions.


Love is the law, love under will.


All the best to you.




PS. "Elephant Gods": see LXV, III.


In the Prel. Analysis this is surely explained. (Yes, it is!) Yet, in my experience, a sense of virago, or termagant arrived on the scene to break the obstruction by force.


