Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer
1701 Pico Santa Monica, Calif.
July 16, 1952
Dear Karl
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I can hardly write this letter for the touch is so different from that used on the electric typewriter. The latter is really a marvelous machine but it has taken some time to get fixed, and held up my progress with the masters.
I am now trying to make up for lost time, doing from 10 to 15 masters a day, and have reached p. 52 of the manuscript (old masters). I expect to have these done by the end of this week and a start made on the letters in the box.
My plan and hope is to finish M.W.T. [Magick without Tears] by August 5 and then to take the vacation, some 700 miles North, to see my sister for two weeks.
We are all planning on it and looking forward to the trip. We hope to leave Aug. 7 and go by Greyhound bus.
When I come back I should like to start immediately on Liber Aleph, if I may. This is the Book I really wanted to do this summer, I want it very badly. I could get a good deal done on it before school starts on Sept. 20 or thereabouts, and probably finish it off before the school work becomes absorbing. What do you say?
I hear that you plan to fly to Calif. this summer. I can only hope that it won't be while I am away, for I think I have much to say to you.
Your last letter was very helpful. Asar spelling did assist to explain Azar. The latter spelling had to be so in order to connect the thing to me. Otherwise I should not have wanted to claim it. I showed Jane [Jane Wolfe] your letter and she immediately quotes "Let Asar be the adorant". That was it, right that moment, what I had wanted for a long time. I had been working a little on the Third Chap. of Liber AL and had not looked at that first. But the time of her quotes and letter fitted into place beautifully, I probably would not have been ready for it sooner.
When I got to the place in the Introduction of M.W.T. where it mentions the values of the Greek letters (numerical), I was deeply disappointed to find this information left out. I have only been wanting those values for 10 year, about! Are they the same as the Hebrew equivalent letter with its value? If not, where may I find the Greek Qabalah? I know no Greek, but I see I must learn something about it. The Qabalah and its tie-up into Tarot and Astrology fascinate me greatly. Already parts of it have sprung into life. There was even a stage with R. [Roy Leffingwell] when I was able to name the card which pertained to the particular Operation.
"Qabalistic counting of words in English"—A.C. did it for the word 'Love' in the Introduction to M.W.T. Maybe it is wrong in all cases to do so, I don't doubt. I thought A.C. did discover the English Qabalah? by finding the correspondence of the English letters to the Hebrew? No? Not even part of it?
I have just read through A.C.'s letter on Astrology and find no fault with it. I have been laughing at what Mellinger [Frederic Mellinger] wanted to cross out though! Shall I say I think he is Pompous? Now I am being devilish, and it is against my principals to make personal remarks in a letter. Bad girl! And that after I got my initial training in Astrology form him, too! I should tell you a story on this score some time! More devilishness!
I adore doing M.W.T. I have fun with it. And in many cases I am so in sympathy with what A.C. says! I guess I shall have to grant you what you said about Tiphereth, for what A.C. writes about that stage has sprung into meaning for me. When once one has known that burning joy - - - - -
"Ah, little world, must you still be crawling When I am flying? Come and fly with me!"
Can one meet the Angel on another plane? I have never been any good at Astral work and don't really understand it. But one can still have a conscious mind going on and taking note of things and still be somewhere else, all the while in a position in the body. Is it not so? Does not all these things take place in the brain? Are not the higher planes merely other states of consciousness? All this sounds so confusing. I shall try to explain.
One lies in a certain position and is in the body, one knows so all the time. The mind may be subdued but still hums along and notes down happenings, sort of like a scribe. It may even be surprised all by itself at things that happen, but still not be in the place where it happens. And some other part, let us call it the aspiration, is on an entirely different plane and is conversing there! There is even landscape which it experiences! There is the vastness of space inside the brain!
Ah, this is enough for tonight. It is almost midnight and I must go to bed. So I can type tomorrow, of course.
Love is the law, love under will.