Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler
General Delivery HAMPTON N.J.
September 5, 1952
Dear Phyllis,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I enclose a few lines for you with the letter I'm sending to Jane [Jane Wolfe] of yesterday. I'm short of envelopes, have not been in the N.Y. apartment for over a month to replenish stock, as I have had no chance so far to get it to the Post Office. No car; no mail delivery; and the P.O. is a mile and a half away, a distance I don't dare walk as yet.
As to astrology: I quite agree with your limitation to the orb of aspects to narrow limits. But, you see, there are different schools, and this particular lady in question has reached the state of clairvoyance to a remarkable extent. In such a case the chart itself is a mere medium of concentration. The actual interpretation of its meaning comes then from other planes. A.C. had a similar gift: he would look at a chart for a little while and say; no good! without actually analyzing aspects etc. It is a sort of psychometry that goes to work. You say you are a beginner: you can never know where you end.
You have been working marvellously at 418 [The Vision and the Voice]; we expect to finish what you had sent (up to pp 84) to-morrow, and, when we get the rest, can reel it off quickly as Jean [Jean Sihvonen] and Ero [Ero Sihvonen] have now got the knack.
I am sure the book has benefited you much on planes you are not consciously aware of. It will grow on you as time goes by. What we all have to realize deep in our heart is the fact that conscious life is just an appendix hanging down on this physical plane from a Universe which is so incredibly vaster, richer, and fuller.
Let me congratulate you on your work and thank you for your help, and use this opportunity to send you even now the
Greetings of the Equinox of Autumn!
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,