Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
[14 October 1952]
I left the hospital Friday and am too weak to be of much use to myself. Four weeks of what? The easiest word is diarrhea, with extremely sore intestines, cramps and gripes, I have dropped to 95 pounds.
Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] meantime has saved the day, She looked in on Mary K. [Mary K. Wolfe] in my absence, nine days all told, and is now marketing and cooking for both of us, Has asked relief from her job to do this—cheerfully and with love.
My horoscope, it seems, indicates dangers throughout October and November, But we are keeping an eye on Jane these days—something we did not do before.
I shall be glad to hear you are mightily improved—if, indeed, not entirely recovered! My time sense is not yet reestablished. I feel out of touch.