Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





[Undated: circa February 1953]



I'd like to write Meeka [Meeka Aldrich] in the strongest terms. It would be theft to copy LIBER ALEPH and distribute it for money! Plain theft. All the more obnoxious as she considers herself a Sister of the Order. I have in mind to place her under a ban or Interdict if she goes on with such thoughts, much less than acts. We plan to publish LIBER ALEPH officially, but if she intercedes in the manner you say, it may prevent it. Why doesn't she apply for the copyright herself? To say that another has written a very similar book, is plumb insolence. If you want me to, I'll write her direct and ask for an explanation. May-be you can get Louis [Louis Culling] to knock some sense into Meeka. When Jack [Jack Parsons] years ago tried the same thing: sell copies of Aleph, etc., we acted in the strongest possible form.


