Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[Undated: circa February 1953]



Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith], You sanctioned a Mass Ritual meeting for the group for Solstices and Equinoxes. The only time the Burlingames [Ray and Mildred] go to Beechwood.


Mary K. [Mary K. Wolfe] and I have for some weeks had Sunday dinner there, with the Ritual every second week, During the typewriter buying, discussion of M.W.T., etc. we got there during the week. These mid-week calls have stopped; and this last Sunday evening I spent with others to talk things over.


Smith and Helen [Helen Parsons] are wanting other living quarters since they have no longer any privacy in their garden and barbecue layout due to an apartment building looking directly over everything, next door. The stretch of beach along Roosevelt Highway west of Malibu appeals mightily to them.


Now in building a house on a beach lot, Smith thinks also of the Ritual, He has also said he would like to accommodate you—at Beechwood, or the proposed new house—until H.Q. is established. At one time he said a second "guest house" is permitted on the 2-acre land and it might be possible for you to stay there. I know all this is utterly impossible and, while I have in no way encouraged him, still I have not checked those dreams.


