Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
Hampton N.J.
February 22, 1953
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have taken more trouble and care about the Jack [Jack Parsons] / Candy [Marjorie Cameron] material you sent me than usual, and have come to the conclusion that they are very possibly genuine. Jack's record of the Babalon invocation is not written, and condensed and clear as A.C.'s inspired or dictated librae are. A communicating entity is, after all, limited by the perfection and transparence of the diamond or crystal available for transmission. Some of the verses in the book are unnecessary and irrelevant, I think. May-be the work is not even complete. May-be the magician was not considered mature or initiated, or pure enough? Who will judge?
Questions: § 14 "Le Dane"? Is this correct or the best you can get? § 2. So far I cannot see it. Does it say HE or the Hebrew letter? Are you sure it says Ra-Hoor-Khuit? Or: . . . KUT? "Fourth chapter of the Book of the Law" is so far doubtful to me. § 5, 6, 7, 8. A pity that that page is missing. § 10, I can't find the word "pendulous". 13. Is "it may be unto death" crossed out and substituted by "fullsome"? yes 33. "that she may have capraine and adepts at her service" — — — Captains? (The date of the delivery of this book is not given. So that one cannot guess whether Verse 25 refers to Candy or another.) 39 . . . "chisen"?? Should it be "children"? or "chosen"—"I shall p"?? Is this just like that? 67. "sname"?? 68. Could "none" be "no one"?
I will want more distance and more information. There is not much I'd wish to ask in detail, but think I should first wait for the further documents you want to send me. What year of February 27 was this communication given?
I regret that Jack never opened up to me. Had he done so he would have found in me not a rival—as WTS [Wilfred T. Smith] made him fear—but would have welcomed his as a greatly needed brother who might have become a continuator of 666's work in the magical field. I would have told him with complete frankness that I cannot do this type of work at all.
The data given in Jack's "Analysis" are wrong. Venus is neither rising nor retrograde. Nor is Sun rising. I would hardly call Saturn in aphelion, but a stretch, one could. But his Saturn is rising, in his detriment in Cancer, close conj. with Pluto, and there are many strong and fine aspects. The poor Saturn may have prevented big success.
We needed a man of his youth, his calibre, understanding, faculty for mastery, so very very badly! Now that I see proofs for that it makes me sad.
I return the original "Analysis" to you, with a typescript copy. If you can decipher the words which I have left out, please fill in and return the copy.
I also return to Candy's letter.
I think you should keep all this material with great care, or, if you like, send me all for safe-keeping.
I hope you have not let WTS look into all this? Or anyone else? I am keeping it tightly shut. Sascha [Sascha Germer] has seen some of Candy's letters and is amazed at the flame.
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. Liber 49 and the number of vv. "77" are possibly good enough in themselves, but have no magical or qabalistic relation to 156 or the word "Scarlet" woman. The name "Beast" has in various transcription in Greek and Hebrew. The same applies to Babalon, or should. 49, and 77 are two rational numbers. They don't appear inspired. Only then will they yield new light. There are certain secrets which, I think, have been discovered since printing of The Equinox of the Gods, in the qabalistic appendix, of which Jack had not heard. Some numbers must have been given him by 666, but I doubt he discovered their meaning. I found then in a P.S. to the typed copy of "Emblems and Mode of Use", which Frederic [Frederic Mellinger] years ago showed me. He had the copy from Smith. Smith had it from Jack. And Jack got it from me— — — without those qabalistic numbers: You have that document, have you not?
Encl. Original of Jack's Analysis. 2 original letters from Candy. Copy of Analysis
P.P.S. Have just copied Candy's enclosed letters. I must say, they stagger me by their evident madness! K.