Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[23 August 1953]
Culling [Louis Culling] sent me some definitely crazy letters lately, which showed his essential weakness: to be super-duper-subtle and clever. As if the Gods had use for that! He claims to have studied the Yi King deeply—but, if so without learning the vital lesson.
Also: Culling was to establish his O.T.O. on the lines of WTS' [Wilfred Talbot Smith] Church of Thelema outfit, which I described before: He wants to call it the "0.H.O. of the O.T.O."!!! Who is to be the O.H.O? Himself? Or WTS because of that old paper that A.C. once wrote out? Now the question is: is he in cahoots with WTS or is he trying to double-cross him too? I am quite prepared to drop Culling if he sticks to his stand that nobody can tell Culling what to do.