Correspondence from Karl Germer to Gabriel Montenegro





[13 September 1953]



On July 27 you wrote me a long report on your visit with Mr. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]. One passage was especially marked in red; you wrote "in my opinion Smith is a potential danger so far as the welfare of the Order is concerned", you mentioned a magical attack, if I may so call it, immediately after you returned from your visit with Smith, when you felt sick and nauseated.


Mr. Smith was expelled, from the O.T.O. by the Master Therion in 1942/3. He acknowledged this in letters and cabled to Therion and "resigned in toto". I am not connected with the Church of Thelema, which was set up by himself and disapproved of by the Master Therion. In what capacity does he have the presumption to demand proof of my authority? It is all very comical.


At that time the Master Therion issued an injunction that all members of the O.T.O. break off all and any relations with Mr. Smith or be expelled. The only one who disobeyed this injunction as far as I know, was Mr. Culling [Louis Culling].—A year or so ago Mr. Smith seemed to show a new spirit, I was asked if the former injunction was still in effect. I answered "Yes" but made an exception in the case of Soror Estai [Jane Wolfe], and then in your case to give you a chance to be trained in O.T.O. ritual. It was in the nature of a test. I have never met Mr. Smith or seen him personally. I had not the experience with him that Therion had had in the course of almost 15 years, and who had watched his methods. The test is now conclusive. Therion warned at one time that contact with Smith poisons the soul.


True, Soror Estai had been weary and heart-troubled, as you wrote. It was that "brother" Smith got mad at her and attacked her aura. That is his usual method. He did it with you when you first visited him in July. There are others who have experience and who protected themselves magically, the instant an undesired contact with Smith takes place.


However, I will close this unsavoury subject. I am writing at some length because I have always seen in you an inherent honesty and integrity of soul. But that is not enough. You are in danger and you will have to make a strong effort to free yourself from vampyrisation.


I find myself in a position to renew the injunction of the Master in the strictest form. It means that Therion's order not to have any relations, personal, or otherwise, with Mr. W.T. Smith, stands, on possibility of expulsion.


This may have to be extended to Mr. Louis T. Culling on whose role in this whole business I am not as yet fully informed.


If you have information on this, will you be good enough to send it along. In the meantime I enclose a Pledge-Form, which please sign an acknowledgement of your acceptance, and return to me. Should further developments show that Mr. Culling is innocent in this matter, notice will be given.


