Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[Undated: circa March 1954]
I must say that I will not be able to get away on the 15th. I have been having serious trouble with my toes and now, on Sunday, a dangerous brush fire broke out, in the course of which I got a very bad burned leg. The pants were afire before I even noticed it in the heated work of getting the fire under control. In fact, I have wounds all over the hands, too. The doctor says I need care for another ten days at least. But I may leave suddenly.
The latest is that I may go by train after all, and take the El Capitan. I must find out, but can't in my helpless situation, what the schedules are and prices. ———
Meanwhile, I had written Louis [Louis Culling] to get busy and find another binder. We cannot pay $3.00 per book. I had all the time thought that your binder was the one that I saw in 1946. He had done a very good job with "8 Lectures" [Eight Lectures on Yoga] and "Little Essays" [Little Essays Toward Truth], of which about 60 or more had been bound by him.