Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
[7 May 1954]
By the way, she [Mary K. Wolfe] is now having heart-blocks; one April 26, one May 2, one May 5. You may recall there was a stroke in December, 1951, which affected her memory somewhat. With the heart-blocks this memory is going slowly but surely. So far, mornings at about 8. In the afternoon she is going around as usual.
Two weeks back, come to-morrow, I dealt myself a blow driving from Santa Monica, where we had been to see Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler], back to Los Angeles. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday I was a wreck. In fact, I was so weak from the heart strain of Saturday's driving that I thought I might not recover and got busy with Wills. I went so far as to speak to the Burlingames [Ray and Mildred] about accepting the office of executrix for Mary K. in case I died, l am doing better now and deciding that after all, with care, I would survive, so drew up Mary K's will, which the Burlingame's witnessed, This will is of course in my favor—I am the sole heir, But that does not mean there is a lot of money for there isn't, but it could be of help for Aleister Ataturk.
Mildred has always wanted us to live with her, Now she is purring. They are so generous, so willing to help, and yet living with them—as I feel at present—would be a trial, I think I know why, but—Well, for the same reason A.C. found me difficult.