Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue,

Los Angeles, 29, California.



June 30, 1954.



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Copy of Cameron's [Majorie Cameron] last letter to me is enclosed. Reference to I Ching: She asked me to throw the sticks for her—this over the phone. I do not permit an inquirer to tell me the question—I feel much freerer. There seemed to be an urgency, so I typed it immediately, and posted it to her. I learned afterward that it had to do with her new art unfoldment, done on parchment, and which seems to have put her over—to some extent at least. She is being talked about, etc., but I have not yet seen these paintings, which is rather annoying and disappointing.


She gave me good news: "Jane, my Messianic Drive is over—finished!"


About two years ago, at Cameron's request, Estai [Jane Wolfe] endorsed a copy of Liber AL to Renee Loomer, and one to LeRoy ...... I now learn that LeRoy has organised Voo Doo Ceremonies in Pasadena and Los Angeles. His photograph shows a fine upstanding negro, with power and personality. Did A.C. ever do anything about "the obeah and the wanga"? Those are Voo Doo terms. But LeRoy would never come to see me. Cameron Renee and Paul Andre (her partner) have a growing group, so Paul told me. I was so stupid I did not ask about it; but I shall have a chance later on.


Cameron again. I have let her alone, for the most part, as she always phones or calls when in deep trouble, or in need of talking it out with some one. When here two weeks ago she told me the past year has been hideous—that her two selves were in conflict—that she was insane for a time—she always carried the means of suicide—but now thinks she has faced the lurking fears. Out of this chaos came an art expression which she has sought for years, and it is in art she is to express herself.


Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]. You gave me a Commentary on Liber VII some years ago, asking me not to show it to anyone. Is Phyllis now entitled to read it?


Monty [Gabriel Montenegro] is not in any position to work on Qabalah, etc., at present. Desperate about money, some of his Mexican friends plotted out a section of L.A. (East) through which to canvas for insurance (Life). This he will do every evening. It is thought he can make $50 a week after he learns the techniques. His debts are troubling him mightily—money his sister loaned him, a Bank in Beverly Hills, his daughter's support—the wife maintains herself.


Louis [Louis Culling] had supper with us two nights ago, he was full of talk about this and that, but after he had gone I realized I had not heard anything about the remaining books!! The fool's cap and corner for me.


Love is the law, love under will.


I visit H.Q., sit at table with Sascha [Sascha Germer] and yourself, tickle the kittens, and climb the hills. Golly!




