Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





Hampton N.J.



September 19, 1954.



Dear Jane:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Sept. 9 and 15.


First yours of the 9th. I'm glad that Mary K. [Mary K. Wolfe] feels better and that you are taking her back to home. Your scheme with that woman keeping her company sounds like a good one. Relieves you. 75 cents per hour sounds very high from what we knew in N.Y.—As to the financial part. That is serious, and provisions should have, or should still be made to safeguard you. And then: how much interest per cent is she getting on her money? War Bonds etc. pay only 3%, and I doubt you have risky investments which yield high interest. I have to pay 5% on our mortgage! (We still have over $4,000.)—If you would trust me, and if Mary K. would agree, you could turn some or all of your assets over, I would not only pay you 5%, but also keep the investment so that you can always draw on it.—This is just an idea. But it seems to me your present arrangement keeps you always on tenterhooks. However, I can not very well boost myself. This is entirely a matter of Trust and common sense.


The moral basis ought to be this line of thought:—I am pledged to A.C. to look after the welfare of his son [Aleister Ataturk] and I am sending him regularly money. If Mary K. and you agree, you could turn over your surplus (I mean above what you want to hold there) to me as a fund for A.A. [Aleister Ataturk] as long as he is under age and as long as he needs assistance from me. As I am paying A.A. now from London accounts (England) it would help if I'd pay off all or part of my mortgage, which saves me my monthly 5% payments.


There is another angle: For many years you have been sending contributions regularly. There is a rule that a member in good standing has to right to draw on this when in need. This also could be a basis for a working scheme. Could you not talk this over with Paul, who, after all may well know how to manage this? I feel you ought to take a step, and that soon so as to have a clear situation without worry on your part.—It would, of course, be better for me to talk this over with you personally. But I'm afraid, time is too short.


Write me if I have not expressed myself clear enough. You might tell me how much cash you need to draw from your bonds etc. per month. I could have Georgia make certain monthly payments for instance.


Re yours of Sept. 15. I was the one that sent out those "Notes on the Ritual of the Pentagram" back around 1942 or so. But with my strange stubbornness and need to have something shown in practice before I do it, I kept copies, but never applied it. Thanks all the same for your additional remarks. Why, for heaven's sake, did I not ask you when you were here to do it with me?? Why? Why?—If you would take the trouble to trace out the method and write the postures etc. for the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram for myself, I would be grateful. I may make good use of it some day. I have an idea that both the Lesser and the Greater R. of the P. are done for "protection". In what sense? Against what or whom? I know not.


About the Charge of the Spirit I cannot help you. Isn't there much in the Goetia and Solomon the King stuff, I forget the title. About Liber Pyramidos, this is the former name of:—


A Ritual of Self-Initiation based on the Formula of the Neophyte. It is Ritual DCLXXI. It is mentioned in John St. John.


My typescript has about ten pages of close typing. Would you like to see it?


I shall send you separately by ordinary post typescript material of further stuff arrived from Australia, all from Prog[radior] [Frank Bennett]. They are over 100 pages of typed copies of letters, rituals, etc. etc. If you like you can read it. The material dates from 1910 on and concerns mainly A.C., but Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones], Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], Leah [Leah Hirsig], Ninette [Ninette Shumway], you, and so on figure. That Cefalu part may be especially of interest to you. Please return it. I shall leave out the IV° OTO, as you know this. This will follow in a day or two as I have to check it first.


Your "child" vision: anything to do with the First Aethyr child, or that in the Garden of Janus? Can you simplify it? Child was just then created? Very remarkable indeed!


This Cameron girl [Majorie Cameron] keeps popping up. She must have a peculiar fascination. Has she? Does she have real true and pure aspiration? She must be very aggressive from her horror. Is she any good? I must confess she intrigues me, the more so as Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] could not stand her. Has she accepted Thelema? Do you have a snapshot of her?


Enough now. This is endless!


But I am sending you The Greetings of the Equinox of Autumn!


Which please convey to all in your group with all my wishes. I am exclusively concentrated on the publication of the first translation in any foreign language (German) to be out Sept. 23, 1954. With German-English text, Stele [Stele of Revealing], facsimile reprod[uction] of original. I am all tense lest one of the many powers that try to prevent it, may prevail. I speak of Liber Legis. I feel this is the great magical event.


Love is the law, love under will.


All my best and my love.


