Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
R.F.D.1, c/o Sihvonen Barstow, California
February 11, 1955.
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
No: Schlag [Oscar Schlag] did not say he was a friend. What he did say to me was that you and I were the only two people in the United States who could carry on The Work. (These two words do not quite satisfy me—they may not be his exact words, but I think the implication is correct.)
"Doktor" I will turn this over to Mildred [Mildred Burlingame], as she told me he said: "Call me Mister" when she addressed him as Doctor.
He cannot understand why A.C. selected an organization such as the O.T.O. to promulgate his work. Schlag calls it a facsimile—that it is not genuine. He said: To think I have spent 25 years following something wholeheartedly, and find it end in something like this. That all of A.C.'s works were far superior before he took up O.T.O.
He said things were crystalyzing here. (As he said American psychology is becoming more and more materialized, so that they cannot use it any more; and therefore he will not be back to the U.S. as much as formerly, I assume he means the U.S.A. is crystalizing.)
Schlag and I spent half an hour alone at the B's [Burlingames—Ray and Mildred]. My memory is too faulty to recall most of the talk. Somewhat of the Unicorn I recall; nothing at all of the Great Angel HUA. This I regret, and I am at present going over The Vision and the Voice hoping to find Him mentioned. If I do not locate this Angel, will you please tell me where I can do so?
I told Schlag the full meaning of Estai: "The manifestation of Horus as Genius and Light in the Realms of Matter." He promptly took 777 and put this as 10 in the Table of Correspondences. Which seems to fit Fiat Yod [Anne Macky]. I always thought, and still think, Karl, that this letter was intended for Jane Wolfe by me. Could so important a name be given to a Neophyte? Schlag did not influence me here, except giving me 10 in Table of Correspondences. Before the publication of Magick Without Tears this was my feeling, only I did not demand it.
Dear Karl: to write all this is difficult but it must be done so that I can meet you face to face.
Judging from your letter, dear Karl, which suggests a going off at the deep end, as the English say, you may not want to accept my reactions toward Schlag. At any rate, in the past few days a conscious sense of responsibility has come to me—all actions heretofore have been automatic, and solely because I like what I was doing. How about the A∴A∴—does the Chain system still hold good! Is a successor desirable, or needed? A.C. had me sign in Cefalů before the Great Magical Retirement., With his authority I accepted Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] when she asked me to accept her.
[the remainder of the letter is missing?]