Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Mr. Skilton
5, Montagu Square,
20 Feb 55
Dear Mr. Skilton,
May I congratulate you on a good and accurate piece of work? I enclose galley proofs [of 777] duly corrected—many of the errors were due to the typescript from which you worked being corrupt. I am in doubt over four points on galleys 20, 26, 30 and 31. I have not the typescript from which you worked, so do not know whether the typescript was corrupt, or whether the error was in the setting up. I have marked these places and made suggested amendments. Please however check with the typescript. If the latter prove corrupt, insert my corrections. If on the other hand the galley can be corrected from the typescript, please do so and ignore my amendments in these four cases.
I enclose a re-write of the last two sentences of my Editorial Preface.
Galley 26. You made a note to insert Latin sentence. This refers to the comment on menstrual blood. We have decided to omit this and not to have it translated into Latin. But the section in question deals with more than Menstrual blood; namely 'camphor, aloes and all virginal odours'. Include the comment on camphor and virginal odours in English, merely omit the reference to Menstrual blood. From memory this means you include the last two or three sentences of the suppressed extract. These sentences want prefacing with the number '13', for you are dealing with the thirteenth line, between 12, and 14. Reference to the galley will make this clear to you. Cut the 'menstrual blood' comment but leave in the remainder of the comment under the number 13. If this is clear to you, make the insertion without further reference to me. My difficulty in writing is that I have not a copy of the typescript in question.
Galley 7. You MUST start a fresh page after the Genethliac Values of the Planets section. What follows is a fresh section of the book, and the first sentence of this section should be the heading to that section and therefore should be printed in capitals. i.e. EXPLANATIONS OF THE ATTRIBUTIONS IN THE MORE IMPORTANT / COLUMNS OF TABLES I - VI (See pp 2 - 35.)
I would like a short chat with you with the galleys in front of us before you set them up in pages. I want to tie this up with the Table of Contents (of which I have not seen the proof so that as far as possible each item in the table of contents begins on a fresh page. Also some form of numbering (Roman Figures, or Capital Letters) wants adding to tie the text with the Table of Contents. If we discuss this together it might save alterations later. I could not add these numerical section headings, as I have not a copy of the Table of Contents.
Telephone me, if any other points occur to you. Shall be here (telephone Welbeck 6709) until a week before Easter, though I may be away some week-ends.
No hurry about returning Payne Knight.
Yours sincerely
G.J. Yorke
P.S. What a relief that we shall have no difficulty in working together!