Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Hampton N.J.



March 10, 1955



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letter just knocked me flat. It shows that Schlag [Oscar Schlag] has dipped his poison into your blood.


Schlag = 333 by simple Qabalah; as I explained; Shin 300, Lamed 30, Gimel 3. You must surely know that 333 is Choronzon? Dispersion, the wickedest of all the Demons of the Abyss?


The only man who was contacted was Ray [Ray Burlingame]; and he was soon suspicious, and—so he says—when he asked too much about IX°—simply told him "it is in The Book of the Law". Yet, I'm afraid, Ray talks easily and freely.


I have no word from Mildred [Mildred Burlingame], on what transpired. And Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] remains suspiciously silent. Nor do you say anything, when you surely must have seen her recently.


This is the blackest of all the black attacks on the very core of the Great Work itself. I sent you excerpts from a correspondent in Europe yesterday. But there are many more ramifications which I know, on which I cannot speak.


Every Thelemite must now deeply cleanse him- and herself of this subtle poison. This refers especially to you, Mildred, and Phyllis. ANY, even the slightest correspondence with Schlag, by anybody, direst or indirect, must not take place. Should I hear of it, they must be shunned absolutely, and finally. Please send me a statement on this, and on what else you know or hear. Especially I want to know about Phyllis and Mildred, who are the most susceptible.


And you? How subtly Schlag played on your 8º=3o preoccupation! Being a medium and very clairvoyant, he could spot it instantly. You happen to be the one and only one who on the West Coast represented 666 himself, having known him personally; so he worked on you specially. But, I believe, you have crossed the Abyss, even though not on all planes. Why worry further?


Let us all do the little bit what each one is able to do under present conditions: That IS the G.W. [Great Work]. A.C. is super-duper uranium mine that will require a hundred thousand minds to explore, catalogue, print, etc. for the next several hundred years. All we have to do, each for himself, is to plod along and do his little share. I am too weary to write properly; will send this along with a letter to Jean [Jean Sihvonen] about Masters and the Commentary. For once I am deeply perturbed. If only Ero [Ero Sihvonen] had been present and met the man!


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally with love,




