Correspondence from Hermann Metzger to Edward Noel Fitzgerald






Mr. E. Noel Fitzgerald,

71, Boundary Road,

St. John's Wood,

London, N.W.8.



14 April 1955



Dear Mr. Fitzgerald,


Do what that wilt shall the the whole of the Law.


Many thanks for your letter dated 15th March 1955, which has been a great joy for me.


Just we have published the Equinox, 2nd volume, and I hope you will have received already. We are very engaged with our work, but we are doing it without caring about all external and internal difficulties, materially restriction or other things.


I am very thankful for your offer, all the more, because I have no confidence into the present conditions and—as so soon as we shall have more stability here and I shall find more time to devote myself the internal work—I shall like to come back to your offer. Yes, I am lay to you under an obligation in advance. But for the time I am seeing the necessity as the most urgent to establish the materially basis and to do the external work.


At all event I shall be glad to hear from you.


Love is the law, love under will.




