Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





[16 May 1955]



Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] wrote a few weeks ago: have not answered, yet. He is now in his gorgeous new house at Malibu, but is still entirely unsettled. House not quite finished; things in disorder, he seriously sick, but improved, Helen [Helen Parsons] near a nervous breakdown because of overwork and overworry.


I am thinking of publishing some of Jack's [Jack Parsons] essays which are first-class. If someone could be found to edit Jack's major work on Magick which is incomplete and in a rough state, it would be the best introduction into A.C.'s work and simpler than Magick in Theory and Practice, more for the beginners. The man has done an amazing amount of research and he had the gift to assimilate what he had read.


