Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
Hampton N.J.
June 27, 1955
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for yours of June 22. And for Cameron's [Marjorie Cameron] letter. Her dream-vision does not mean too much to me. Yet it has, but she has to find out for herself, I think.*)
The name of the city in Mexico is Guanajuato, not too far away from Mexico City, anyway, in the South, the civilized section of Mexico. I wish I could go there. I expect to go to Mexico some day, anyway.—
Before going there you might suggest to her to make a careful list of all thelemic or literary files etc., and if she does not take it with her, to deposit it safely. Has she replied to Kenneth Grant's Manifesto [Manifesto of the New Isis Lodge], whose equation is
Isis = a planet = Nuit!!
It is utterly crazy, as a planet is a mere satellite, then part of the Sun. The Sun with all its planets, is a mere mite in the system of our galaxy of stars. There are thousands or millions of galaxies. And Nuit embraces them all. To make Nuit a mere planet reduces Nuit to something insignificant.—Besides, I have mad enquiries about this new so-called planet Isis, and there is no record of it anywhere I have asked or written to. It's all very silly, though Grant does have qualities.—However, we all of us, if sensitive, can go off the beam occasionally; main thing is to get on it again.
Personally, I cannot get a mental picture of her, as I lack all imagination. Could you not send me some snapshots to help? Only after knowing her personally could I make up any opinion of her. I'll mail this to-morrow by air so that you get it before you leave for L.A.
That letter you mention to have seen where A.C. gives some instructions to Jack [Jack Parsons] about the Babalon working and to keep it absolutely secret, keeps puzzling me. I do not question its truth, as I know that 666 sought to help efficient magicians towards a certain manifestation. But if so, I cannot understand that Jack should show it to you, if to you, possibly to others. I know from personal experience that Jack was that way. I hope some day you will find a personal record of the matter in your files or your diaries with days and details, and that record.
Love is the law, love under will.
Love to you
P.S. Oh yes, there was something on my mind and now I remember. Cameron must have quite a file of letters sent by 666 to Jack (also of course others). It is these personal letters by 666 that must be safeguarded under all circumstances. As you know everyone that we could get a hold of, has given us a chance to copy those letters which were then returned to the owner, if desired. Is C.[ameron] afraid to let me have them?
*) ". . . that drunkest never wine but to life. . ." Liber VII.