Correspondence from Karl Germer to Kenneth Grant
[20 July 1955]
To Mr. Kenneth Grant 11a Fawley Road West Hampstead, London N.W.6.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
You are notified that the very small and limited authority I gave you at one time to establish a Camp of O.T.O. in the valley of London is withdrawn, and I formally expel you from membership in the Ordo Templi Orientis.
You have grossly abused the trust that was placed in you. By printing and distributing a so-called "Manifesto" [Manifesto of the New Isis Lodge] without my approval, and behind my back, you have shown lack of the sense of decency and for due authority.
By making false and misleading statements therein, printing outright lies, and generally sailing under false pretenses, you have shown moral and spiritual dishonesty and proved yourself utterly unworthy for leadership in a cause that is even slightly connected with an Order like the O.T.O., much less than with a cause like the Law of Thelema.
Love is the law, love under will.
Hampton N.J. July 20, 1955
By registered mail.