Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan
5 Montagu Square, W.1. Welbeck 6709.
11 June 1956
Dear Kaplan.
Many many thanks for the copy of Arts and Decoration. This, to me, was a new Augustus John Portrait of A.C. Also for the photostat of the MS scenario for Mortaldello. The extracts from Putman's Paris was our Mistress are typical nonsense: but it was new to me, so was glad to have it.
The photostat from Book of Our Time was particularly interesting to me.
I return under separate cover by slow post the Choronzon Club items. Russell [C. F. Russell], who was responsible was at Cefalu for a time—called himself Frater Genesthai. But he and A.C. quarreled and A.C. never recognized The Choronzon Club. With it I enclose a dirty copy of Liber OZ and of England Stand Fast, as I see you do not have them. They both have pencillings in A.C.'s hand.
How wonderful that you should have a dozen copies of 82 In Memorium to John Yarker, as I have not a copy. Could you send me a couple, one for myself and one for a friend?
Alas, I can only get five copies on my typewriter, and that means that were an typescript has alterations etc in A.C.'s hand, I cannot do a copy for you. But where it is a plain unaltered typescript, so that I do not need a copy for myself to lend to people, I will send you one.
Gerald Yorke