Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler
[Undated: circa August 1956]
I put it squarely before Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] to deed over to me a portion of his land, i.e. give me a clear, registered title. He prevaricated and hedged I drove to his place on Saturday with Ero [Ero Sihvonen] and Jean [Jean Sihvonen] (Ero had never met him). He promised to me that he would give me title. Then Ero and Jean left and in the discussions between Helen [Helen Parsons], Smith (and, believe it or not! his 13 year old son), it turned out that it was just a, say, 20-year rent-free proposition, I to build a 2-room house on his land at my cost! That finished, what I call, the test I put him to. He is hopelessly obsessed with his Church of Thelema thing which he wants to keep in the Dynasty SMITH, that is, pass it on to his heir Kwen [Kwen Parsons]!
Rather childish and immature, as he is generally as I found out gradually. No spiritual growth at all.
However, I did want to explore this angle before proceeding further. What made it seductive was (1) the climate and location, (2) that I could have managed a decent library and store and living room with bath and kitchenette with my present finances.
In this location we have Ero-Jean's house with the office room to which I could add a bedroom as it is too crowded with Aleister [Aleister Ataturk] living here. It would have to be aircooled, but it would serve.