Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer




Rt. 1, Box 122

Livermore, Calif.



Oct. 9, 1956



Dear Karl


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


In answer to your letter re: Grady [Grady McMurtry] (no date). I am very sorry to hear that he has been in arrears. Did he promise to start payment on the first of Oct. or November? I hope by now that he has done something. Meanwhile, I shall try to get a moment to mention it to him next Sunday. He is bringing 3 other people interested in the Tarot and Astrology as well as himself and wife and Dorey's will be here to meet them. That makes 9 guests—wow!


I am also sorry to hear that you are in need of cash. Enclosed is $10. For the beginning of my payments to you. I shall be able to do this much quicker when I finish paying off one of my bank loans in May. In other words, in June I can double or my payments to you on your loan to me of $200. If this still keeps you in arrears—I could take another loan—and pay all off at once?


Now, Foxie [Marjorie Fox]. Here are my strong impressions—and practically verified by what Grady has said. It was Jack [Jack Parsons] and W.T.S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] who made the mischief with her. She is mortally afraid that she will lose Grady and the above two as you know imbue everyone with their license (but not freedom) towards sex. If Foxie is averse to Thelema, I am sure it is only because of the above fear. She adores Grady—more than he loves her. She would fear as much for the strength of their ties that she would act strangely if she thought they were threatened. But as to the money they owe you—I am sure they will both treat is as an honorable debt and pay it off. It might be that some financial emergency arose. I will try to find out.


Now, Grady himself. Yes, you were absolutely right. G.[rady] misses that warmth of nature, the HEART, that every master must have. I have no chance to talk to him about this. My hands are curiously tied both in his case and in Dorey's because of the respective wives. Dorey needs help, too. Is probably planning to make some sort of retirement in the Spring to contact the Angel [Holy Guardian Angel]. But I seem to be able to do nothing for him. Back to Grady—if the emotional nature is so weak—is it not doubly difficult to make progress because that the spheres of Netzach and Yesod are too much slighted? How can he control the emotional forces (basis of so much energy) if he has never experienced what they are? Does he not, as yet live in the heart of things, does not penetrate the core of life.


Anyway, the purpose of that picnic was to help Foxie adjust to Thelemic principles, and the same will be stressed once more next Sunday. There will be three wives here at the same time.


Now for your letter of the 4th Oct. Thanks for your kind words on the nativity of Meeka [Meeka Aldrich]. Yes, it was done in a hurry and without reference to a single book. So I know I missed a lot—but thought you would be interested in what the horoscope said to me directly. I will send you something on Henry's chart next time as I have only time now to get this off with the check. Can you check her time of birth? You have a doubt if it was right. Yes, the relationship between the two women was the closest it could possibly be. Yes, I have Grady's chart and will send you a note or two on that when I do something on Henry's.


Grady—No—it is 25'51" of Libra rising. If it was Scorpio he would not be so cold. Mercury on the Asc.—there is your intellect. Sun trine Uranus; Neptune, Mars, Moon in a Grand Trine. The Saturn makes him desire to be at the head. Remember your Saturn is also in the 10th. So if you two lock horns over matters of authority you can lay it to that. Saturn in the 10th is a sign of a dictator type. I have already laid him low on various ideas (such as another House—like Jack and W.T.S.) which would lead straight to his being in charge. He ought to be initiated by the Forces that be to fit him for some leadership in the Order and he ought also to be held in check. I think that Uranus opposing his Saturn will do it. He is much more sensible on some points than Jack ever was. Also Sun sextiles Saturn—almost exact. And he does have a head on his shoulders and common sense as well.


The Neptune in grand trine aspect makes spiritual things easier—too easy—and is so good that he becomes lazy. He needs stirring up where Neptune and Moon are concerned. It will come through sex—Moon is squared to Pluto. Squares in a Grand Trine are what loose the energy. But all this may have to wait until his drive towards the Ph.D. are satisfied. Tremendous force to get things done—5 planets in Fire and 5 in Cardinal signs. Ah, but he does need the heart. Jupiter in Cancer might do it but is square to Venus. Here is his peculiar self-indulgence. And explains why he tells me of 3 extra guests on the spur of the moment—and other little thoughtless acts. There, I have done more than I thought—and I must teach tonight.


How wonderful to have someone like you to talk to—even if with a letter.


Love is the law, love under will.


276 [Phyllis Seckler]


