Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
2432 Laurel Pass Hollywood 46, Cal.
May 9, 1957.
Dear Mr. Kaplan:
The Photo Album arrived promptly, very nicely packed. Thanks for offering to make a set of duplicate photos, but I don't think I would have use for them now. In fact, I am only gradually getting things in some better order, and have too much to do to work up arrears that had accumulated since I first packed up my archives which was in November 1955!
I am making a package to-day of "Snowdrops" [Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden] and will send the book—rather typescript—as First class mail and Registered. Please confirm receipt as soon as it has arrived.
In this case, if you do make a typed copy, I would like to have an extra copy, if it is not too inconvenient.
What about the "Bagh-i-Muattar"? Do you have an original? I used to have one, but with the many vicissitudes that my libraries had to undergo in the years between 1925 and to-day (London, Ireland, Berlin, Leipzig, Brussels, London again, Concentrations Camps and seizures in between, then New York, Hampton, Barstow, and now here) is it a wonder that I have been able to preserve as much as I did? Yorke [Gerald Yorke] made a Ts. [typescript] of the "Snowdrops" for me and also one of the Bagh-i-Muattar. If you don't have this, I shall be glad to send this too.
I would like very much to have a complete list of all the Crowleiana that you have, if it is not too much trouble.
I may be going on a 4 weeks vacation next week, it would be safer to hold these valuable MSS. until I shall ask for them. There will be nobody here to accept Registered mail for me during my absence.
Karl Germer