Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Karl Germer





[Undated: 2 September 1957]



Dear Karl Germer—


My vacation is over—but my mind is still taking in the sunlight of Monhegan Island. I imagine there are spots similar to this Island somewhere else—probably in Tibet—if anywhere.


Very interesting comment about Evans [Montgomery Evans]. After 30 he was of no value to himself or the rest of the world. Unlike A.C. who spent his lagacy on travel, publications and personal development, his large legacy was quickly dissipated—not on the finer things—but on drink and women. I will keep you informed as to the name of the library that acquired the A.C. collection when I find it. No I do not have the Vision [The Vision and the Voice] or "Gospel" [Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw]. I prefer to collect the original editions in every one—rather than a reprint.


I am grateful to you for telling me how you felt about parting with the Mss of World's Tragedy. I too felt the same way about parting with my rare book. Everyone who has ever collected or heard about A.C. are amazed when I tell them I have a copy.


I would have parted with it only as a friendly gesture to you. Since you do have a typescript—you are not actually without a copy. I do hope the book pops up again in he near future.


I shall keep you in mind if I see any copies of the books that you need among books Catalogues. I do not have duplicates of any titles except "In Memoriam" [In Memorium-John Yarker].


I did have Item 63B—No. 1—, but my copy is lost—so I need another. As for No. 3 "Equinox of the Gods"—I am hoping to buy a copy of the first edition at a fair price one of these days.


Do you know that Symons [John Symonds] is writing another book on the Magic of Crowley. It was announced for this fall—I am most anxious to read it. I believe the book is based on A.C.'s diaries.


