Correspondence from Karl Germer to Marcelo Motta





2432 Laurel Pass

Hollywood 46, Cal.



Sept. 20, 1957



Dear Marcello:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.




Your two letters of Sept. 11 and 15 gave me very great pleasure. But first my congratulations to you and to Camille, please give her a brotherly kiss for me! I hope and wish the boy-child will grow to be fine and strong and a servant to the Great Work, some day, for, the way I see it it will be a slow growth, for 5 of rht Soul Houses (12,11,10,9.) are unoccupied by planets. The weight is in the Western Houses. Moon in Taurus gives beauty, in conj. with the Dragon's Tail in Ist seems to make him acquisitive for material things. (Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] has the same. I do not like it too much). However, we must first know is 7.41 p.m. astronomical Time, or Summer-Time? If 6.41 p.m. is correct, then Moon and ___ go into II which changes the picture. Incidentally, his Sun is 20°50' Virgo: my Ascendant Conj. Mars gives strength (from Camille), conj. Mercury in Virgo, fine intellect (from you!). I hope you observe to consider every event as a particular dealing . . . If so, Camille's beautiful dream is very nice. Give her my love, and my blessing.


Now first a general remark. You must have observed that I feel very, very unhappy in this set-up where I can hardly force myself to work, or even to set up my files and papers properly. We have been looking around for a house to serve as a proper H.Q. and I hope I shall be able to make an announcement within the next 4 weeks. The search and all the rest (including some ordeals!) have cramped my style. But do not broadcast this info.


Thanks for the $5 bill for Jane [Jane Wolfe]—very welcome, but don't strain yourself; you have obligations now! Learn to trust the Gods implicitly if you consider yourself as part of the Work (which your letters prove you do), then you rise and fall with IT.


Congratulations for your graduation; I hope the M.A. will follow in due course.


There would be too much to write about every paragraph and subject touched upon in your letters. I seriously hope the time is coming when you (and family) will be able to stay at the future H.Q. for a while and we can talk about many things more deeply than we have been able heretofore. Re-independency: I referred to the influence of Culling [Louis Culling], very noticeable in your last few letters. (He has put under Interdict!)


Theory of Celestial Influence: I agree 100% with what you say.


Secret of the Golden Flower: I have not read it yet.


"Aum. Ha." Yes, yours is speculation, nothing else. But valuable spec. for yourself. Possibly A.C.'s Commentaries to it might have helped you, but its arcane meaning will be given to someone in the future—I'll see what books I might have for binding. There are a great many, especially typescripts, and I would not send them by mail.


O.T.O.—I'd not in the least discourage, or disparage that you want to act on this subject, except that at the moment, and for a period of months to come, I would be in no position or mood, or frame of mind, to go deeply into the matter. First, the O.T.O. does not interest me too much; mine is only in the AA And, as I must have told you, A.C. wanted me to set up an entirely different system to convey selected ones the central secret of the Sangraal. (Incidentally, now, that you may resume work, remember the various injunctions that . . .", but ever unto me". There must not be one single exception.) At a certain stage you will have the right to start your own Order, if you choose.


Yours of Sept. 15. All very fine and excellent!


1959; March 21, begins the 5 year period or "Speech", once more. This time I want to be prepared. In the last, 1949-1954, I did not realize it, but unconsciously published three or four books. The work would have to be prepared in the preceding 6 months or so, to enable us to get out the first publication on the dot in 1959. So I think now!


Your 1., 2., 3., points as well as your remarks on the Fourth Power are very good, if we could operate in a vacuum. As it is we don't. We represent a small candle light which we can only keep aflame with the greatest effort against the fierce gale of all the forces in the world to-day that have the actual power. You do not as yet feel the opposition, the persecution, the harassment which has dogged A.C.'s efforts in the past, and, to a small extent, mine so far in the East. But we have learned to accept it and take it in our stride.


Your views or speculations on the "Eighties" can be sound in the meantime we are in the Fifties, and have to do the things allotted to us now, and ordained for this period. It is not you or I who draw up the strategic plan; we are the small soldiers or lieutenants who should ask at each step; what does the Captain, or Colonel want me to accomplish at this moment?


The "Fourth Power": O.K. perfect your technique and at the same time cleanse your WILL of all self-will, make it "Pure Will", and every way will be perfect. Your horoscope has equipped you with the libido necessary for this class of work; so make out of it an atomic force. DO NOT LOOK AT ME! Don't try to follow me! My job is of an entirely different nature from A.C.'s or yours! Your next step, it seems to me is to grow gradually (as all growth should be), and attain the M.A., unless I am wrong, which is entirely possible.


Let me close now. I have not the time to go further into the many subjects!


Love is the law, love under will.






