Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer
Rt. 3, Box 479 San Jose, Calif.
Jan. 27, 1958
Dear Karl
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yes, I have been busy, terribly so, and trying to gain back my old pep and energy, too. It wasn't cancer but the Dr. did remove 2 lumps. This depleted my strength. Then I had exams and grades to conduct in school and every weekend spent in looking for a new house.
We may move to Santa Clara—not too far from here and about the same distance from school. We are losing this house because of the income tax—old—of Bill [Wade]'s. But we may have a chance to sell on our own and so meet the down payment on a new place.
I was saddened by your letter about Jane [Jane Wolfe], and deeply shocked that senility had really set in to that extent in so short a time. It is tragic—but you and Sascha [Sascha Germer] are better off out of all the work and care involved.
Also—I will say, too, that your last letter was in very strong tones. I know I provoked you—but I feel we are old friends and I meant it in a friendly spirit. I am too critical—yes? No—please do not misunderstand—I am not suspicious of Sascha as you suggested. I am only trying often to see if each person can understand himself. If he can—then he can control himself. If he can control himself he has a fair chance to control the world and events like magical attacks. On this latter I have much in mind I want to ask you.
Tonight the children reminded me I had to say a banishing ritual over a year ago when I received a stupid communication from Culling [Louis Culling]. Was this an attack? I had forgotten the incident in my usual happy way. Anyhow—perhaps I usually have no trouble because no one knows about me. Well—let's leave the whole subject until we can talk about it for a few hours. It is complicated.
I received a letter from Mark telling me about his new baby and asking for a horoscope but he sent no return address. Very stupid of him. Do you have an address for him? He really doesn't deserve a horoscope at that rate but if you write to him please tell him he had better send me an address and apologize because I have done something about the horoscope after all. Also I would like to tell him he is very young and may have to suffer unless he grows up. Isn't that just like me?
I must close—too much to do. The best to you and Sascha.
Love is the law, love under will.