Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry





West Point, Calif.

Box 258



February 26, 1958.



Dear Grady:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Feb. 12 with check—thanks!


I think you are mistaken: there are 'misunderstandings' galore. To start with the finance! I have been open and frank in my last letter about this. You want me to make 'allowances' for your present situation. But I have made them for some years now. As per the provision in the Constitution I have loaned you the $600 when you seemed to need it, and when I had the money lying in the Bank without doing any work. So, as Grand Treasurer of the OTO, I did not hesitate for a moment. But years have gone by now, and the situations have changed: first, in that you are through with your University courses , and the time and work devoted to it should begin to bear fruit. Second: in order to buy this H.Q. we had to take a loan on which I pay over 7% interest, and the bank intimated strongly that they would wish a larger cash payment to reduce the loan.


So it is up to you to make allowances! ! (The unfortunate thing is that I had also given a loan to Meeka [Meeka Aldrich]; not only does she refuse to pay me back, but is arrogant and insolent!)


The second point where there is 'misunderstanding' is where you expect me to give advice on magical, etc., training. I don't know how often I have had to explain that I am not a teacher in the ordinary sense of the word as far as showing ritual, practices, yoga technique, etc . etc . I am, as it were, a case apart, and nobody will make an effort to believe me . I call all this the lower magick. It may be entirely different when it comes to hither planes.


Once more you are mistaken when you say that I am unwilling to help you in this difficult period. On no! I will say this, to be constructive: that if you start your practices and rituals with a sincere heart, a firm will that gradually gets inflamed and becomes passionate, then you will automatically attract your HGA [Holy Guardian Angel], and the higher powers that are guiding those that want to belong to the small group of pioneers for Thelema. You have the books and lots of MSS. All you have to do is make full use of them. This refers very particularly to the exploitation of the IX°, as I told you, and which you neglect to tragically. I believe this is due to the fact that you live too strongly on the intellectual planes, or rational planes, and therefore are blind to the subtle effect all that work has on higher planes—which you do not see. I believe that if you keep up with your ritual work assiduously for a time your eyes will begin to open; then a talk between us may become more fruitful.


This also applies to your plan of 'starting your own nucleus'. I am slightly sceptical before you have not fortified your aura and your finer senses by a prolonged course of ritual etc.


'Uniting fragments' paragraph: again you fail to see my point of view. It says: "Pity not the fallen—Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] and his group, Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and most of his group, Leffingwell [Roy Leffingwell], and most positively Jack Parsons, belong to the fallen. Meeka is a traitor; Culling [Louis Culling] very doubtful. But there are others who have not fallen.—One more thought: one general, though without army is better than an army without a general.


Love is the law, love under will.




